15. Not the Time

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'So did you and Phoenix fuck yet?'

My phone slipped through my startled fingers when that familiar animalistic voice boomed in my head.

I made a lousy attempt to save my already falling phone but failed.

'You bailed out on me for days and this is the first thing you have to say?!' I yelled at the voice in my head and bent down to pick up my phone.

I was taking a break in the staff room of the cafe- minding my own business reading smut- but then Max, the rude bitch, popped in my head out of nowhere and scared the crap out of me.

'Yeah,' he answered shamelessly, 'So did you?'

A vein popped in my forehead, 'Actually, yeah we did. Phoenix orgasmed so much he passed out on our fifth time and died.'

This made Max let out a surprised yelp, 'Wait-wha- did you really-'

'Yes, I had some trouble hiding his dead body. But I managed it somehow, with Kia's help.' I replied in a totally serious tone.

Max was silent for a while, 'You're joking right...?'

I rolled my eyes, 'Of course you stupid wolf!' I exclaimed, slipping my phone into my pocket, 'Who the hell dies from orgasming too much?!'

Max let out a sigh of relief, 'Well, I wouldn't, for sure. But I have no faith in the human body.' He whined, 'Oh Goddess, why was my poor mate birthed to such species?!'

'Hey! Stop being so.......' I trailed off, trying to find the correct word, 'speciest, yeah, speciest! Stop it."

'Pfft- whatever, you're only mad cause you are one of them.' Max scoffed.

'Was' I corrected him, I was a werewolf as well now. Dealing with Max for three years should grant me that title, 'By the way, where were you?! I thought you had died in my head!'

'Oh nowhere. I was just going through heat so I cut off our link for too long.' Max replied nonchalantly.

'Ooh-Wait, what heat?!' His words drained in a second after I started speaking.

Did he mean that heat? The best smut of the book heat?

'I thought you knew what heat was, stupid.' Max huffed.

'I do.' I retorted, 'Do you mean....that phase... A werewolf goes through where...'

'They want their mates to mess their insides? Yes.' Max finished for me with a curt response, 'I was going through that phase. But didn't want you to be bothered by it because of your job and all so I just managed it by myself.'

Oh that's surprisingly nice of him.

'Aww, that's so thoughtful of you Max.' I mocked him with a genuine undertone, 'But you could tell me next time before cutting off the link. Maybe I would've helped you deal with this...heat thing. Having a chocolate and what not.'

Wasn't heat kind of like periods in some werewolf books?

Max rolled his eyes with a smirk, 'Whatever. The only thing I wanted at that time was mate's meat stick.'

I choked on my spit, 'Please, not the meat stick.'

Max barked out a laugh at my reaction, while I got ready for my shift.

No wonder I was feeling extra horny these days, it was Max's heat all along.

'But how long does it usually last? I think this was the first time you went in the heat after I attained this body.' I asked him.

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