57. Saving Dog Family

Start from the beginning

Two people who could barely keep up with the naked eye directly rushed to the door.

"Water Dragon Shield!"

"Electric screen!"

Almost at the same time, Chu Yutian and Chen Jingwen both made their own defensive skills, and they directly flew the two figures and slammed them on the ground.

"Hey!" The right side of the struggle stood up, it did not fight back in the first time, but quickly ran to the other, pushed the other's body with the head, and found that there was no major injury, this is the bow Back with a vigilant stare at Chu Yutian.

This is a black and white husky, different from other mutant animals, whose eyes are black instead of red.

Chen Jingwen wanted to continue the attack, but was stopped by Chu Haotian: "Wait, this dog is different from the one I encountered last time. Let's take a look."

The one that fell to the ground was a white Samoyed dog. It attacked Chu Haotian, and was directly turned to the dizzy head of the electric screen. He could not stand up for a while.

At this time, five puppies who were still almost in cubs suddenly appeared in front of the crowd from the corner, and they couldn’t stand still. They were not afraid of death and screamed at Chu Yutian and Chen Jingwen. .

Two whites resemble Samoyed dogs, one of which is close to white, with only a barely visible grayish hair on the back, and the other two are black and white, resembling a husky.

The huskies saw five puppies appearing, and they whispered nervously and warned the people in front of them not to act rashly. It seems that this is a family.

Chen Jingwen smiled: "Hey, I think this baby dog want to give his mother a revenge? It's a cute little thing." After talking about squatting down to tease the puppies, the vigilant husky dog ​​screamed again, warning Chen Jingwen not to approach.

Chu Yu Tianyi took a glance at Chen Jingwen, must be a mother dog? Or Can't it be a daddy dog?

At this time, an injured white Samoyed dog also stood up, guarding their little babies with the huskies, watching the invading enemies with vigilance.

"Chu Ge, it seems that these dogs still gain their consciousness, not being rampagne." Chen Jingwen also saw this time.

"Well, it’s clear to see the puppies. The mad dog is not recognized by the six parents. These puppies have been bitten to death, and they will take care of them." Chu Yutian replied while walking around looking around. clue.

"Looking at the puppies, it should have been born after the end of the day. I didn't expect them to survive the virus attack." Chen Jingwen sighed that most people did not survive, and the dog's family was lucky. I have passed this level.

"This master is also very heart-felt. It seems that the end of the last world just happened to go far away, and prepared a lot of food for them...

"Fortunately, there is no such thing. If you become a zombie, I am afraid that this dog’s family will not escape bad luck." Haotian saw that there were a lot of unpacked dog food bags in the kitchen. Many washbasins had dried up and I knew what it was to survive. Of course, the possibility of eating human flesh is not ruled out. After all, the three players have their bite marks.

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