Ryvvik Dlardrageth: CXXIII

Start from the beginning

For some, the movement would've been too fast but Ryvvik was ready. He sidestepped the blazing metal as it whizzed past his head. Markos across the room stood in a throwing position, oddly a look of intrigue danced his lips. "Gl-" A grunting sound could be heard, Ryvvik turned his head only to realize Florence the one he had tasked to bring up the rear had been impaled on the wall, a three-pronged trident stuck out of her stomach drenching her dark skin in red blood. The trident disappeared in an odd array of purple and black energy the shock was overwhelming. Had... had he dodging the weapon caused the death of one of his own sisters? He narrowed his eyes. House Dlardrageth was known for one thing. He reached down pulling free his long flail.

*Veereeer* It clatterted to the ground.

"I can get behind that comrade." Alekzandr chuckled as he raised the long metal contraption in his arms pulling the bolt on it back. "Lordakr aya raketa." The metal's surface heated a light blue tone as three pin-like missiles spewed from its barrel. Ryvvik grabbed Mele the only follower near him and pulled the kobold behind him hed lost too many- the explosion consumed his face but did little to affect him.

"Attack the sides! We will claim this vault in his name!" Ryvvik bellowed. Mele jumped from his back.


He wasn't fast enough the trident caught him in the chest sending him flying across the room. Ryvvik locked eyes with the cultist, Markos. He let out a low growl and charged him. This was the figure taking the charge hm? It was time to end him. The half-elf was nothing special looking. He was probably just around five foot four or so maybe shorter his arms were mostly covered by the massive amount of clothes he wore. Not to mention that ridiculous-looking yellow cloak. Ryvvik swung Vorodirlis clean at the cultist's head the other Keepers scattered engaging his allies about.

"Come here ya little bitch." Markos taunted. Blue flame erupted around Ryvvik causing Markos to genuinely jump. He brought his flail down over the boy's head but the half-elf easily sidestepped it. Ryvvik was shocked, he swung an arm and then brought his flail back around. Markos's hands were empty and yet he was simply dodging his attacks. "Wow!" He began to laugh. "You swing like a little bitch too!" Ryvvik felt rage build up in him.

"AGH!" Ryvvik's attention was brought to the screams of Milo he was engaging the elven woman with dual short blades. Ah.. Adleth. He was glad she was engaging a magical opponent. Milo swung his dagger back at her yet she caught it against the hilt of her blade. That attack was put to rest as he extended a hand blasting her with mystical energy.

"Losing focus?" Ryvvik had barely any time to dodge when Markos swung a trident at him. The object had merely appeared back in his hands. Around him a fight was blazing. He saw Adleth spit in Milo's face before stabbing him in the shoulder. Yet Alfos was on their way to aid their friend. Ryvvik wanted to engage his opponent but his brothers.. He swung around aiding to block an array of magic missiles coming from Lady Astrial.

"Karaad Oron-olt!" Ryvvik held up an arm watching fire spew from Alekzandr slamming into Alfos their cloak was signed with flames yet they continued to engage. The drunk was more formidable than he once thought. *Chn-flink* "Fuck you in particular!" he yelled.

"You're all dumbass cunts every last one of you stupid cultists- uh- meanies- dumb- like to get stabbed?" Markos's insults became less effective by the moment. Ryvvik reengaged his opponent. He felt his blood boil in his veins. Slow fire danced around his armor with his wings unfurled. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Renaer jump at him with a rapier. Ryvvik stepped to the side and swung his flail. He grabbed Renaers arm and hurled him across the room before bringing his weapon down onto the cultist. Markos bent backward slipping under the swing and dancing across the floor with grace, he slashed with his trident drawing blood against Ryvvik's leg. 'What?!'

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