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Zar went near Gurans and sat down to inspect her body. He got up and turned to look at me.

"You can touch her now,"

I was standing like a statute. Suddenly his voice hit me and I ran to her. I picked her up and laid her on the bed.

"She will be ok in the Morning," I heard Zar say.

Now, we were in my office.

"What was that?" I asked Zar.

He looked at Rima and then at me.

"That witch was here,"

"She was taking full control of her body and....." He stopped.


"Was about to kill you. She made Gurans put poison in her lips,"

"Yes, Amol, and she almost killed you. She made Gurans kill you," Rima came forward.

"And how did you know?" I looked at both of them.

"I was in the jungle when I felt another power inside the palace. I wasn't sure but as I came inside I saw your room glowing. I was late to recognize it but thankfully I did," Zar said.

I sat on the couch tired of this all.

"I wanna end this all and get my Gurans back," I said my hands on my head.

"It's not that easy, Amol. All we can do is protect Gurans and protect all of us from Gurans. That's what we can do right now,"

"You gotta find a way," I said looking at the Zar.

"I will. You be careful when you are near her. If she tries to be close to you just know she isn't Gurans," he said.

I nodded at him.

"You should take a rest," saying this he left.

Rima sat there for a while and then left as well.

I couldn't sleep the whole night. Sometimes I would lay on the couch and sometimes I would go and watch Gurans sleep.

The next morning we all were having breakfast. Everyone was silent while Prarthi would ask us about Gurans.

"Why isn't she coming down to have breakfast?"

"She is taking rest. She said she isn't feeling so .....well," I said.

"Oh.." she paused. "Then I should go and check on her,"

"No, no." I stopped her right away. "She is asleep. Let her sleep,"

She smiled and sat down. I looked at her wondering why. I thought her reaction would be different.

"Oh, your love for her is...." She smiled.

"It's nothing," I said looking at my food.

"Why don't we go out today?" Rima asked her.

"Yes but Didi isn't awake yet," Prarthi said.

"I was thinking maybe we should chill together. We can take Gurans with us another day," Rima suggested.

Prarthi didn't say a word.

"Prarthi, you guys go and enjoy," I said this time.

"Ok," she agreed which gave me relief.

Having Prarthi around Gurans was dangerous. We never know when that witch would take Gurans's body and attack Prarthi.

They left after some time and I went to see Gurans. She was still asleep. I sat there watching her sleep. I know it seems creepy but I was so in love with this woman in front of me. I started to think about our time together and how we enjoyed being with each other. If only my parents hadn't ruined it we would be together traveling, laughing, fighting altogether.

Seal The Deal (Sequel to Stranger's Deal)Where stories live. Discover now