Start from the beginning

"If you really believe that, then you are gravely underestimating that guy." Dabi sneered.

"That guy is supposed to be All for One's successor, he wouldn't be doing a shit job since he had that title. He's supposed to be daddy's perfect little successor, after all. If I were to guess what's the reason for whatever you guys think is wrong with him, it's probably something in his personal life, but don't quote me on that."

Dabi then turned on his heel and began walking towards the doors that head to the restaurant, "Anyways, I'll be downstairs eating if anyone needs me. I'm starving."

And like that, the purple graft-covered man left the room, leaving the remaining members a little more confused than they were before.

"Something in Tomura's personal life?" Kenji asked as she scratched the side of her head, "Tomura has a personal life? That's news. He struck me as a guy whose villain life is his personal life. How would his personal life be going then? What does his personal life look like?" She pondered.

Shuichi's eyes widened however as Kenji asked all those questions, and he immediately spoke to try and divert the attentions of the league away from the thought of Tomura's personal life.

"I-I think Dabi is just screwing around. You know he and Tomura has a small rivalry going on, he's probably trying to get back at him by saying all that and making us all think." He told them.

"Ha?" Kenji narrowed her eyes at Shuichi, "And just what would that do? Make us think that Tomura has a secret girlfriend or boyfriend that he sees whenever he's not with the league? And that they're currently having an argument, that's why he's acting like this? Even if it is the case that Dabi is trying to plant ideas in our minds, there's just no way Tomura would have a secret love life like that."

"H-how did you even come up with Tomura having a lover?! How can you see Tomura having any sort of romantic relationship with anyone?! It's unimaginable!" Shuichi exclaimed.

But then Atsuhiro interjected, "Actually, I can kind of imagine it. Tomura doesn't like to keep his hair neatly nor does he wear presentable clothes while he's just staying here, but he has a handsome face. If he tidies up his hair and wears passable casual clothes, he can probably get a date or two from a couple of girls."

"Ooh~ I can imagine it too~" Himiko commented as well before licking and wetting her lips.

"W-wha-- Sako-san, Toga-san, you're not helping!" Shuichi exclaimed in disappointment, "And that's not what I meant by Tomura being in a relationship unimaginable! I meant that he's too focused and too busy with the league to even go out on dates! That's why it's unimaginable for him to be in a relationship with anyone! He isn't in any relationship! And like I said, Tomura's change in behavior probably isn't because of personal issues or reasons. Dabi was probably just kidding about that part."

Atsuhiro simply hummed after Shuichi's whole assertion, then he told them, "Well, there is a way to know whether or not that is true." Before turning his gaze over to Kurogiri who had just stayed silent during the whole conversation.

"You," Atsuhiro referred to Kurogiri, "You know the reason for Tomura's sudden gloom, right? Can you tell us? Is it because of any personal issues like Dabi suggested?"

Kurogiri just stared at the masked man before squinting his golden eyes and responding, "There is no particular reason for Tomura's behavior. And they're certainly not because of any kind of personal issues. Dabi was simply saying a throwaway statement."

"Hm, so it's really not because of love troubles?" Kenji asked, a little dismayed, which immediately earned her a reaction from Shuichi.

"Mag-nee, stop it!" Shuichi scolded her, making the owner of the Magnetism Quirk chuckle.

Then Kurogiri added, just as a precaution, "And even if there is such a reason for the shift, I suggest that none of you push him for answers or try to push through the boundary he has established. I have a feeling that it would only cause him to widen that distance you have already noticed."

"Please keep in mind that there is a line one should remember never to cross when it comes to my masters." Kurogiri warned all of them in an ominous tone, before shifting his gaze ever so slightly towards the direction of Shuichi.

The room suddenly went silent after Kurogiri's warning. They weren't expecting the man to suddenly use such a threatening tone on them. But they just supposed that Kurogiri was probably only being protective of Tomura.

He has been serving Tomura and All for One for so many years already, and he seemed to have grown close to their leader, so they understood where he was coming from.

Another moment then passed before Kurogiri suddenly put his hands together to a clap and told the league members in a cheerful tone, "Now then, shall you all head downstairs for lunch? I'm sure you're all hungry already."

The members of the league didn't deny the Nomu's statement, even shrugging and commenting finally, before getting up from their seats and unloading their equipments from their bodies. They all then began heading towards the restaurant downstairs to finally eat.

As they made their way to the restaurant however, Kurogiri's gaze was locked onto Shuichi as he walked behind the rest of the members, his golden eyes slightly furrowed as he grew suspicious of the pink-haired lizard after his actions earlier.

Kurogiri's eyes squinted slightly as he thought back to Shuichi's suspicious defensiveness of Tenko, and his adamant denial, or rather, rebuttal of the existence of Tenko's private life.

It wouldn't have made sense for the lizard man to have acted like that unless he knows something he shouldn't, which he definitely does.

But the real questions now are, How much does he know, and when did he find out?


NOTES: Ah yes. Casually speculating about your boss' private and personal life. Just a normal day at the hideout of the League of Villains, the currently most wanted villain group in the whole of Japan. :| (note the sarcasm)

This chapter was initially supposed to be the first half or first third of a longer chapter that also included a check back on Izuku's current state, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that structure would've felt like it would be dragging on too long, so I decided to chop that longer chapter. I hope you guys don't mind.

Look forward to seeing Izuku next chapter though! :9

THE SINS OF THE FATHER (BnHA Dad for One AU) | Second BookWhere stories live. Discover now