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It was chaos, people running and people shouting. Hermione couldn't worry about it, she needed to talk to him. Hermione focused her mind and tried connecting to him, it was dangerous but she had to do it.

"You won't get away with this Tom, we will stop you." Hermione said

"I hope you're ready mudblood." Voldemort spat

"Meet me in the great hall, come alone if you want some real fun." Hermione smirked

She locked him out and ran to find Draco, she had to get him out and if she couldn't do that then get him ready.

"Draco!" She called

"Granger!" Draco called back coming round a corner

"Go, I'll be just fine and when I'm finished I'll come back as promised" Hermione smiled

"I said no, I have to fight him. He ruined me Granger and I can't let him-"

"Okay okay, I love you." Hermione said

"I love you..." Draco said kissing her

It was a goodbye kiss. An in case I'll never see you again kiss. Ron finds them and calls for Harry, he runs by and embraces her.

"You need to pull yourself together Harry" Hermione laughs

"Everyone's leaving.. the plans are fucked just run." He said

"What!" Draco snapped

"We can't run! I can't run!" Hermione hissed

"Hermione we're leaving ourselves, he can have Hogwarts! What good has it done us anyway" Harry grinned

"Don't you dare leave! Don't leave us like this!" Draco scoffs

"We have children!" Ron spat

The urge to say the same was flaming in Hermione

"Fine run. You fucking coward!" She spat

"Coward? I'm no coward!" Ron hissed pushing Hermione into the wall behind her

Hermione pushed him back.

"You are a fucking coward! You are running when you should be fighting! Go bitch while I kill him" Hermione shouted

"You were never a good friend. Nor were you a great fuck. You ever wonder why we distanced ourselves?" Ron said cruelly

"Oh it's all coming out now. Why? Because I'm bossy, rude, just not funny? And it was once because you were just a casual fuck!" She bit back

"A casual fuck? You begged for it." Ron scoffed

"Begged did I? Run like a bitch Ronald and never come back until you realise that you'd BOTH be dead if I weren't here!" She laughs

"You're going to feel so fucking bad by the end of today and fucking hope you do." She said

Ron strutted off but Harry stayed put.

"Harry! Come on, our children are waiting! We'll be safe" Ron sighed

"You are right Hermione but I'm with Ron" Harry said

"As per fucking usual." Hermione sneered

"Where's Moody?" Draco asked

"Dead." Harry spat

Hermione had to hold back her emotions, he didn't deserve them anyway

They walked down the hall together leaving Draco and Hermione to themselves, it was everyone for themselves. The first hit came and the entire castle shook.

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