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Malfoy was forty-five minutes late and Scorpius had fallen asleep on the couch, all day they had watched films and made pancakes. Hermione found out a lot from today, Scorpius likes movies and pancakes and Malfoy is always late.

Scorpius was fast asleep and Hermione could feel herself slipping, the deep mesmerising sleep was creeping up on her. Maybe five minutes wouldn't be so bad so she fell asleep aside Scorpius.

The door opens slowly and closes, Malfoy walks through looking around her apartment

"Gra-" he called out

His eyes land on the two asleep on the sofa, his shoulders relax slightly. He quietly walks around the kitchen looking at the mess they made.

"I can't believe I'm about to do this.." he whispered to himself

He rolls up his sleeves and washes every dirty cup and dish, not knowing where anything went he put them to the side neatly drying his hands with a kitchen towel, he used to do things like this for Astoria and though he wouldn't say it out loud he kind of missed doing it.

Draco walks over to the couch and quietly woke up Scorpius.

"You good to go buddy?" He whispered

He nodded sleepily

"Okay, where's your bag?" Draco asks

He pointed to a room with the door slightly open, he nods standing back up

"Don't wake her up buddy, she needs to sleep. Merlin knows she needs it" he laughs at himself

Draco walks through the door, it was Hermione's room. White walls with a king sized bed, red sheets. Of course there red. The bag was on her bed so he picked it up and walked out leaving everything he didn't need untouched.

He walks back out and Scorpius is trying to put his coat on by himself, Draco goes to help him.

"What did you do today? Remember to sign slowly, I'm still getting there" he laughs

"M. O. V. I. E. S" he signed slowly

"Movies, and pancakes I presume. Go wait downstairs for me" He smirks

Scorpius nods, Draco finishes with his coat and hands him his bag. Scorpius goes downstairs leaving Draco and a sleeping Hermione. He couldn't help but admire her, he had to choose whether to wake her or let her sleep.

He went back into her room quietly and grabbed a muggle pen and paper, he wrote a note leaving it where she could see it because he knows no doubt she'll freak out.

"Jesus Granger, you're pushing way too hard and I think you know that" he sighed

He left the note in front of her. For a few moments more he just admired Hermione, he left quietly.

The next morning she woke up and realised Scorpius wasn't by her side, she had fallen asleep! How stupid of her! She looks to her side finding a note. Malfoy's note. She looks at the time and it read 9AM, she opens it sitting up.

I came by like you said but you had fallen asleep, I woke and took Scorpius home. Cheers for this, I cleaned up your mess and I thought I was the child. I left you a note so don't panic when you wake up.

I locked up before I left, again thank you for looking after him. I know you're wondering so I left you sleeping because you know you needed to sleep.

Don't worry about falling asleep too so don't apologise. See you tomorrow.

She sighed in relief then gasped at the thought of him being in her home without her knowing it. She showered and changed her clothes walking down the stairs.

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