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Hermione woke up with a horrible headache and her first thought was Rich but she had nothing, she couldn't scream or shout nor cry because she's already done that.

She doesn't want to get up at all, she deserves to sulk about it... right? She deserves to be depressed for a day, Hermione missed him like mad and it had only been a night.

Ron and Harry enters her mind, they should know before they mention him in a card that she'll probably never receive.

A knock at the door and Draco walks in.

"Granger? Are you awake yet?" He asked

"Unfortunately." She sighed

"This came for you, I haven't read it before you ask" he says holding a card

Maybe she spoke too soon. It was a Spanish post card from Harry and she immediately got up taking it from him.

It's wonderful here, hot for once too. I know you hate me right now but you deserve to know, Ginny is pregnant and we're so excited. Ron isn't very fond of you right now about Malfoy but you should come visit. I won't tell him so you can talk to him yourself.

I'll regret this but if you want to bring him you can. I love you x


Hermione gasps followed by a smile and a laugh of excitement.

"Oh my god!" She gasps

"What?" Draco asks

"GINNY'S PREGNANT! And Harry wants me to visit" she smiles

"You should go.." Draco sighed


"Visit him merlin knows you need it Granger." Malfoy says

"I will! He said he'd regret it but if you-"

"No. Like you said it's a one time thing" he said walking out the door "breakfast is downstairs if you want it"

"You're upset why?" Hermione laughs

"Maybe check your 'calculations' before asking if you're right." He says

"Asshole" Hermione scoffs turning back to the bed, her back facing his

"As you've told me but I've forgotten, was it before or after you seduced me?" He laughs closing the door behind him

Hermione had no time to respond, she got dress and went downstairs. He hadn't moved since 7th year, flashbacks started to hit her as did the headache. Her hand went to her head instantly.

Scorpius was sat at the table eating breakfast and Draco was at the hob cooking eggs. The smell made her feel sick.

"I see you haven't moved.." She said nervously

"Shit, I forgot I'm so sorry" he said frantically

"You're not the same person as you were and neither am I, I'm fine." She whispered

"No I'm not. Here." Draco sighs handing Hermione a plate of food

"Do you fancy pissing someone off?" Hermione smiles sitting down

"Hello" Scorpius signs, Hermione waved

"Depends who it is. Zabini? Definitely" He laughed

"Think poorer and...orange" she smiles looking at his bare back

Bellatrix left her mind and his back filled in, he was incredibly hot, that she couldn't deny.

"Fuck yes but I'm not going, bring him here" Draco laughs

The Coffee ShopOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora