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"You love it." Hermione grinned

"Hate to break it to you.." Draco winced

"Oh do one." Hermione laughs

They land in Spain and are in a car within a few minutes, the drive isn't long. Hermione was excited to see them again and also lying in wait to see how Ron reacts to Malfoy being there. She knows that she probably won't be welcome to stay for too long.

"I like how you are with him" Draco whispers

"Me? Why I thought you hated it" Hermione laughs

"I did. Hated you too but I don't anymore and that's scaring me." Draco sighed

He wouldn't look at her

"It's scaring me too" She sighed

"Hey buddy, we're here!" Draco smiled looking in his mirror

"That must be Ron's new car.." Hermione laughs

"Dyke." Draco smirks

They parked outside Harry's house and Hermione saw Ron's car and felt guilt fill her, she smiles at Draco nervously as they walk too the door. Scorpius wanted to be picked up so Hermione did, the door opens and Harry's stood there.

"Harry!" She smiles putting Scorpius down and hugging him

"Hey Mione, I got your card and I'm so sorry about Rich" Harry sighed

"Thank you, I'm struggling but I'm here now and I want to see Ginny!" She smiles

"Okay, she's through there go for it." Harry laughs

Hermione walks through shouting for Ginny, Draco goes to follow but is stopped. Harry steps outside and closes the door.

"I invited you for her so don't be a prick, okay?" Harry sighed

"Oh I'm only here to piss the other one off that was the deal." Draco laughs

"What deal?" Harry says

"Granger stays at my place for awhile and I spend my miserable weekend here." Draco smirks

"Hm. He yours?" Harry points

"Yes Pottah, he's mine and Hermione's pretty good with him." Draco smirked

"Is she?" Harry nods sarcastically

"Good in bed too" Draco smirked

"Fucking Malfoy" Harry swore under his breath walking back in

Scorpius runs to Hermione and she introduces him to Ginny, she's not remotely interested and she doesn't fail to show it.

"How are you?!" Hermione smiles

"Tired and you?" Ginny smiles faintly

"I'm getting there, I miss you guys like crazy!" She laughs

"Is that his son? You had no where to put it?" Ginny says with a disgusted look on her face

Draco's talking to Harry with Scorpius by their side

"It is a human being Ginny, it's been years can you not forgive him?" Hermione sighs

"He killed Fred! He'll never be welcome here!" Ginny shouts strutting off

Draco's face is on Hermione's and he looks pale, almost sick to the stomach.

"Ginny let's not hurt the baby" Harry sighed pulling her to a different room

Once they were gone Hermione's face changed completely, she's never heard Ginny say anything like this before.

"I'm so sorry! Malfoy I-" Hermione rambled

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