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"Granger.." Draco sighed

"Malfoy." Hermione nods

"You can't walk off like that." Draco said

"What am I? A child?" She laughs

"You're acting like one." Draco said

"Oh come on, Ron and Harry hate me, I'm being used for the war, my best friend is dead so I don't need you coming for me too" She laughs

"I'm being serious." Draco scoffed

"So am I. They can hate me all they like and I can deal with that but you- not you" Hermione sighed

"You're leaving me anyway though right?" He said


"I have a plan. You deserve better anyways, not someone who loves books and has a coffee shop" She smiles

"But I do. I want someone to call me out on my bullshit, reads shit ton of useless books AND owns a coffee shop.. I want that Granger" Draco sighed

"You want someone else." She said

"Don't put words in my mouth. I want you not anyone else." He sighed

Draco could get lost in her eyes, the brown in her eyes were gorgeous.

"Starring is rude you know." She smiles

"I've been told, I can't help it when you have such pretty eyes" Draco grinned

Hermione went bright red

"Got you! Let's go" Draco smirks pulling Hermione gently

They begin to walk again and eventually apparate back to Hogwarts, it was swarming with panicking people, Hermione went into nurse mode immediately and ran to where people were going.

"Oh no you don't" Draco groaned struggling to pull her back


"Oh! Look who finally decided to show up! Get your ass to the medical ward!" Harry hissed

"Don't talk to her like that!" Draco scoffed

"Not now! What's happened?" She asks

"Ron got splinched! He's dying" Harry said

Hermione's eyes went wide and for the first time she second guessed herself, did she want to save him? No. Did she want to forgive him, help him? No. Did Hermione want to walk away? ...yes

She began to walk away in the opposite direction, Draco was grinning looking proud that she's taking control for once.

"Fuck!" She shouts

Hermione turns back around and runs to the medical ward, pushing through people to get to Ron. He's been left a while because he was blue... fucking blue.

She put her hand out and called out for a bottle of dittany. It came to her hand and she didn't bother with the top and poured the entire bottle on his chest and he screamed in pain, she didn't care if it hurt.

"Oh I'm sorry does that sting?" She winced sarcastically

"Argh fuck!" Ron cried

"Fucking baby.." Draco mumbled

"Shut up." Harry snapped

Ron's skin started to get better, his skin growing in colour and he rolls over the side of the bed puking his guts up. Hermione stands there for a moment before walking away.

"He's fine." She said

"Fine? None of this would have happened if you were here!" Harry shouted

"Woopty fucking doo, find ways of winning without relying on a lady!" Hermione hissed

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