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It's colder than when she was last there, more gloomy too. The walls here ice cold to touch and Hermione could see her own breath, dementors. This rescue mission survival rate just went down by a whole lot and Hermione needs to be alot more careful, She walks quietly and effortlessly down halls and down stairs. She was surprised the doors opened and no one had asked her for her identity.

It was probably quiet because it was late at night, while walking down the hall next to where Draco should be a woman walks passed her, Hermione's heart fluttered and almost stopped when the lady stopped her. By the rings on her finger Hermione knew it was safe to look up at her, it was Narcissa.

"Miss Granger?" She whispered

"Narcissa." Hermione whispered back

"You can not be here, he's here. Are you here for my son?" She whispered

"Yes, I can't leave him to rot Narcissa!" Hermione whispered

Narcissa looked ahead of her and behind listening for any sound in the manor, it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop from the opposite side of the house. Not helpful.

"Please get him out, i beg you" Narcissa whispered

"I'll come back for you." Hermione smiled

"You mustn't." Narcissa spoke

"You don't deserve this either no matter what you've done to me. I will come back, where is he?" Hermione said

"Down there straight on and on the left. I warn you that my son doesn't look like himself." Narcissa said

She looked as if she could cry.


"They've beaten him black and blue, starved him for days. If i feed him they'll kill him. Good luck dear" Narcissa smiled

She began to walk away regaining her cold composure when Hermione grabbed onto her

"Hold on a tad longer, i'm going to end this for good" She nodded

Hermione put her hood back up which made her look as Snape once did with his robe, she follows Narcissa's steps straight forward and on the left. She walked in see's a candle lit and Draco behind bars, he cornered himself to the furthest corner, she was right Draco was black and blue and his knuckles were raw and his lip was split.

He looked terrified, he was barely clothed.

"I told you I don't know where Granger is- Please just stop!" Draco whispers in fear

After a few moments of nothing Draco looked up and Hermione pulled down her hood revealing her face, Draco ran to the bars reaching for her. You could see his cheekbones already and his ribs were blue and red.

"Oh what have they done to you" Hermione gasped

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Draco whispered

"Saving my boyfriend apparently.." She smiled

Hermione stood up looking at the charms that were holding Draco, they were simple enchantments only difference was that they added a shocking spell, anyone who tries to escape would get shocked.

"Leave before they find you Granger" Draco said

"No, i've been through hell and i didn't do it for nothing." Hermione said removing the charms with her wand

"Granger they'll kill you." Draco scoffed "Are you mad?"

"Maybe." Hermione laughs

She was so proud she pulled it off, proud or petty? Both.

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