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Huge thank you to my biggest supporter of this book!
Hermione wakes up, her muscles hurt as did her throat. Draco's sleeping peacefully next to her, she watched as his chest raise and fall unaware than she needs to get ready and pack.

"Draco" Hermione whispered


He turned around to face her and began to nod off again. Hermione's phone started to ring beside her so she picked up, it was Blaise.

"Granger are you coming?" He asked

"Sleeping beauty's still sleeping.." she laughs

"Well wake him up, Scorpius is getting impatient" Blaise chuckled

"Give us twenty." Hermione spoke

Draco placed his hand around her waist pulling her closer

"Actually make that 30" She giggled

"Disgusting, don't come if you smell of sex for Christ sake" Blaise laughs

"No promises mate!" Draco smirks

"Bye Blaise" Hermione said

She hung up the phone and got out of bed, Draco groaned into his pillow and rolled over.

"If you get up ill give you a blowjob. I owe you one don't I?" Hermione smirked

Draco sat up instantly, Hermione leant in and kissed him. Hermione could kiss him till the sun went down and Draco could kiss her till the moon came out.

"Get dressed and if we have time then I'll do it okay?" She grinned

"Yes ma'am!" Draco smirks

Draco gets ready in a flash, they have a little while so she drags him down to the kitchen. Draco and Hermione eat and she went to find Moody, Ron and Harry.

They hear shouting from a room and Hermione knocks on the door, it goes quiet and she walks through holding Draco's hand.

"Moody. Me and Draco are leaving for two days, will you be alright without me?" She smiled

"You're our best healer, you can't just go" Moody said

"But I can, I'm not assigned to anything. Two days that's it, Draco's son misses him and I miss him so that's where we'll be." Hermione said

She wasn't going to break for them anymore. She was learning to say no.

"We don't need him so he can go back to his side, disgusting death eater. You're useless with him Hermione" Ron spat

"Watch your fucking mouth" Draco warned

"Ronald! Why can't anyone just be happy for me!" She laughed in disbelief

"Fuck me!" Ron scoffed

"Pay me." She grinned walking back out the door with Draco

Draco apparates them to Blaise's manor and knock on the door, His wife opens the door and pulls Hermione straight into the kitchen to look at the roses Blaise had gotten her.

"How's things?" Blaise asks

"Exhausting, they beat me black and blue...Granger came and saved me herself." Draco sighed

"How the fuck have you managed to fish her?" Blaise laughs

"No idea. Where's Scorpius? Is he okay?" Draco asks

"He's great, he's eating great and you won't believe this..." Blaise grins


"Hey hey pretty girl!" Blaise smirked

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