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"Green or Red?" Hermione suggested holding two old dresses

"Mmm Green... defo green" Rich smirked

"You sure it's not too slutty? Malfoy and I never got along during school and i almost killed myself trying to save everyone because of it" Hermione laughed

"Not nearly slutty enough" Rich grinned 

Hermione sighs deeply

"What's wrong?" Rich asks

"Nothing" She sighs again, this time dramatically

"Liar.." He laughed

"Promise you're not going anywhere Rich, my gut's been telling me otherwise..Please tell me you're not lying to me." She huffs

Rich looked awfully guilty

"Rich promise me you're not lying! Promise me that you won't leave without saying goodbye. You're dying of old age that's it" She laughed

"Hermione- okay i'm not lying to you and yes i promise i'm not leaving you. I promise" He sighed

"You wouldn't lie to my face would you? Right?" She grinned

He's doing it now

"No i wouldn't" He smiled

"Okay.. We should go" She giggles

They had approx 30 minuets to get to that one very expensive place, Hermione didn't really want to go but Rich was adamant they would go. As they walked Rich got more excited but the more excited he got the weaker he'd get and Hermione still wasn't sure if this was a good idea, she hated seeing him like this. They got there and saw Malfoy seated on his own reading the paper. Hermione and Rich walked in and sat down at his table, the git didn't even look up.

"He-" Rich spoke

"Shh..watch this, i used to do this in school" Hermione hushed him

"Harry?!" She gasped

Malfoy looked straight up and back at Hermione who was laughing. A waiter came over and dropped two beers and a glass of red wine. Rich looked at Hermione and she did the same with the same naughty grins on their faces.

"what's she grinning about?" Malfoy laughs

"Red wine makes her horny" Rich whispers

"Hm?" Hermione wonders oblivious to what Rich just applied

"I'll keep that in mind." Draco whispered

"Keep what in mind?" Hermione says sipping her wine

"Rich's next appointment" Draco grins

"ah yes! i was meaning to ask about that" Hermione chirps

"You git.." Rich sighed

Draco laughed at him looking proud of himself, that ignorant prick could enjoy anything whether it's happy or sad. Hermione was preoccupied with Rich to order so Malfoy did himself, he seems to remember her favourite dish quite clearly. Malfoy had made fun of her eating so she grabbed her plate shoving the entire plate over him shouting about how he's wasted her favourite meal.

Draco ordered and tuned in, he heard a lot of "That's amazing" and "Can i go with you?". He found himself feeling sorry for the bloke, Hermione can be very...obsessive.

"Malfoy?" Hermione smiles

"Yes?" he sighed

"You enjoy my company right?" She giggled

"Not really.." He laughed

"Oh yes you do! you come to my cafe, you like me... I KNEW IT" Hermione giggled

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