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3:46 am
Hermione woke freezing cold and her head hurting. Draco was sleeping soundly beside her, he was so calm during all of this. She figured she'd leave a note and go to the library to tire herself out.

At the library then I'm going to see Rich, stay put as Ron thinks he has every right to kill you. I love you
-Hermione x

She didn't bother dressing and went straight there, she needed to figure out how she would get out from under Voldemort. She got books and books and stacked them up in a pile on her table.

How to reverse a Horcrux
Dark magic & spells
Soul transferring

The last book in particular stood out to Hermione, she could kill herself then as Voldemort eventually dies she can transfer her soul for his and she'll come back.

"For one to transfer their soul they must use the wand given to them and repeat the words 'trasferire l'anima'. The user of this spell must be careful of the consequences and therefore be accepting of them."

"I can transfer my soul?" She said softly

She looked further down and it had a image of how to produce the spell, the wand must go in a 'swish and flick' motion.

"Swish and flick...Wingardium Leviosa" Hermione whispered doing the motion with her hand

"trasferire l'anima" She whispered again

Nothing happens without the wand as it says in the book. This was perfect.

It needed to look real, she didn't know if when she kills herself she'll wake up but she's happy with both outcomes.

"What are you doing here so early?" A voice spoke

"Fuck me Harry!" She jumped

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he laughed

"Leave me alone. I don't want to look at you." She sighs

"Why not? What have I done now?" He grinned

"Who's fucking side are you on? Mine or Ron's... do you want me to be happy or fucking miserable for the rest of my...short life?" She snapped

"I'm on no ones side." Harry stated

"Clearly." She scoffed

"Does... Draco make you happy? Does he do things for you? Take you out?" He asked

"Used too Yes. If you want saving in this war then cut the shit and accept him, tell Ron to stop or he's going to loose me completely." Hermione said

She stood up taking the books under her arm.

"As will you. Good night"

"Fine go bitch to him. We're looking out for you and keeping you safe" Harry shrugged

"You are not! I figured the link between the Horcrux's and with my knowledge allowed us to win the fucking war! And here we are again!" She scoffs

"I am here wasting my time when I should be enjoying it because very soon I'll be dead. And I hope to god that you see it!" Hermione shouts

"Calm the fuck down!" Harry spat

"Draco is not a death eater, he made a mistake. You make mistakes now go and tell Ron that if he doesn't pucker up he'll loose me." She said

Hermione walked away with her books, she planned on telling no one her plan. Though one person in particular she plans on telling.


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