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It's so silent you can hear a pin drop.

Hermione wakes up coughing rolling on her side, Draco laid beside her pale and cold, she was freezing herself.

"Draco?" She coughed

He didn't reply, she shook him.

"Ten galleons you don't punch Ron.." Hermione jokes

Still nothing.

"Wake up! I can't loose you, I've barely had enough of you!" Hermione said leaning over him

"You're crushing my dick-" He groaned

"Oh my god!" She gasped

Hermione pulled back.

"But I- heard him say it" Hermione gasped

"Do you know who that was?" Draco groaned

"Who was it?" She asked

"Snape... fucking Snape" Draco laughs breathlessly

"Snape?!" She said

"Promises promises.." Draco laughs sitting up

"He killed you? How the fuck-"

"He missed. They want you not me..." Draco said

Draco sat up slowly, holding Hermione's cheek he kissed her

"I thought I lost you Draco, I would have ended this right now" She said kissing him back

"I'm not going anywhere but you have to promise me that if it happens do not kill yourself.." Draco said

"No- No I can't promise you that" Hermione shook her head

"Promise me Hermione."

Ron and Harry appeared and began laughing despite the fact they almost just died and are covered in rocks and dust

"What the fuck happened here?" Ron laughed

"I promise" She whispered kissing him

"Yuck! Get a room" Ron groaned

"We have one, fuck off I'm in the middle of being grateful for my girlfriend" Draco hissed

"Girlfriend? She's only with you because your wife died and you can't get with anyone else. We all know it" Ron laughs

"Yeah Ron, you're right. I'm only with him for his money, dead wife and because I'm the only sex he can get...I'm definitely only with him because I feel sorry for him" Hermione smiled sarcastically

Draco giggles like a child quietly

"Don't be sarcastic. You literally told me that you're only with him because you feel sorry for him, he's a dirty death eater." Ron laughed

"One I never said that and two Yeah he is. And I love him for it Ron, you're only jealous of Draco because he can make me come quicker than you could and you know it." Hermione shrugged smiling

Harry covered his grin and Draco burst out laughing, Ron was not impressed.

"I seriously hate you at the moment, fuck me" Ron huffed

"Pay me." She shrugged

"Burn!" Harry giggled walking with Ron

"Oh shut up you git"


Hermione helped Draco get up and put him up against a wall towards the back away from the smashed window.

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