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The day goes by slowly until around noon Harry and Ron come through again. This time they have their kids with them. Elena Potter and Riley Weasley.

"Auntie Mione!" They smile

"Hey babies!" She laughs hugging them both

"How have you been?!" Hermione smiles

"Good! Mione can we have a cookie?" Elena asks

"Of course you can!" Hermione smiles

She grabs two cookies in packets that they have beside the till and hands them one each. Harry rolls his eyes and Ron sighs.

"Something wrong?" She asks

"Come on kids, mumma will kill me if I don't get you home soon." Harry smiles

The kids run outside with Ron, him failing to wave goodbye. Harry stays put for a moment

"How is Ginny?" Hermione smiles

"Fine. Goodbye Hermione" he says walking out

Hermione wondered how easy it is for Harry to just walk away like that. Even after everything, the war and Voldemort, Hogwarts and loosing all our friends...Fred.

Fred was the worst, at Harry and Ginny's wedding Luna put out a spare chair for Fred and I watched as George put a couple gallons on his seat. She asked him and he told Hermione that it was a bet that they had and a Weasley always pays their bets.

Remembering that made Hermione's heart ache but it's not something to dwell on as her therapist would say. Hermione's had a therapist for a couple of years because the nightmares got too much. Doctor Manny his name is and he's always been there for Hermione but she knows it's only because he's being payed to do it.

Hermione went through her day passing papers, food and drinks around table after table, person after person. Some were regulars that have been around way before Hermione was and some not so much.

Rich has been doing so much and it makes Hermione wonder what he's hiding or more so what he wants. Her shop closed at four because she opens at five am most mornings, while closing Hermione locks the door and turns to face Rich who was sweeping.

He stopped and looked directly at her.

"What?" He laughs continuing

"Don't what me. What is it that you want Rich?" Hermione sighs

"I want nothing." He simply replied

"Yes you do. That or your hiding something" She laughs

He stiffened.

"I knew it! What are you hiding from me? Let me guess you're cancer's back?" She laughs passing him

Rich didn't speak. Hermione paused smiling at him, his back straightened and he took a deep breath in, Hermione's smile soon left her and she felt sick to her stomach.

"You're cancer.. it's back isn't it" she croaks

"Mhm anyways when you open tomorrow I-"

"How are you so calm about this?" Hermione scoffs

"Because I'm not surprised Hermione." He snapped

Rich never snaps at anyone, she doesn't say another word for a moment allowing him to calm down. He propped the broom to the side and stood in front of her sensing her next question.

"When were you going to tell me Rich?" She asked

"I wasn't." He said grabbing his coat and walking out the kitchen door

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