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They got back in the car driving to Blaise's house to pick up Scorpius. The journey would be about an hour. The sleepless nights were kicking in and Hermione was drifting in and out of sleep.

"You can sleep. We have about forty minutes" Draco said awkwardly

"Stop being so fucking awkward. I kissed you, it doesn't mean anything" she sighs

"Bullshit" Draco muttered

"What?" Hermione said

"I said okay" Draco laughs watching the road

Hermione placed her head back on the window with sleep creeping up on her, she'll take it while she can.

"Bullshit.." she smiled

Draco smirks as he kept watch of the road as he drove. He still felt incredibly hot and... unsatisfied. That burst of confidence in Hermione showed him that she had some sort of feeling other than hate towards him, he wasn't going to push her.

They get to Blaise's manor and Draco gets out of his car leaving Hermione there fast asleep. The conversation was quick between Blaise and Draco, Scorpius was put into the car quietly, as Draco started the engine Scorpius kept looking at Hermione.

"Granger's going to be staying with us for a while. Is that okay?" Draco whispered

Scorpius nodded. He soon drifted off to sleep, Draco pulled up to his own manor and took Scorpius inside first putting a film on for him in the lounge. Draco was sure that with the cold air now around Hermione and the engine off she'd be awake but she wasn't. He needed her out the car and in the manor.

"Granger?" he spoke crouching next to her

She was gone.

"Fine i guess i'll carry you in. Brilliant." He groaned

Draco picked her up carefully and slowly so she wouldn't wake up, he carries her inside telling Scorpius that it's time for bed. Problem was... where was Hermione going to sleep, he couldn't let her sleep on the couch, his mother would hex him. He thought about it and took her to his room...where Astoria had slept with him. Hermione felt a soft feeling under her but it smelt different. She realised she wasn't at home.

"Get to bed buddy." she heard

"Yes I'm sleeping in here, let's not wake her" he spoke again

She knew where she was

"Malfoy?" Hermione groaned pushing up her sleepy body

"Uh oh.." He laughed

Hermione sat up and Scorpius ran over cuddling her waist

"Oh hello.." She yawned

"Miss Mione! Dad said Rich couldn't visit anymore, Where's Rich?" Scorpius signed

The lump in her throat had returned instantly. Hermione got down to his level and rubbed his sides up and down with her hands, Draco watched as a tear slipped down her cheek.

"Rich- Rich had to go.." She smiled

"Go where?" he signed

"He.. He went to sleep honey but it's the kind of sleep where we can't visit anymore." She explained

Scorpious began to cry realising where he had gone.

"Hey don't cry, you know what?" Hermione smiles

"What?" He signed

"Rich is with your mummy and she's going to take care of him and their going to watch over you until your ready to go too." She smiled

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