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Draco grabbed hold of Blaise and Hermione and aparated back to hogwarts,Harry and Ron were sat at the fire place. Hermione began to hit Draco over and over again sobbing.

"Where were you!" Hermione cried

"What happened to you...Did he?" Draco sighed

"Rape me?"  She laughed, she couldn't believe this

"Over and over again" She whispered

"I was coming the second they took you, you should be asking them!" Draco said

The pair looked extremely guilty.

"What did you do!" Hermione shouted

"It was for your safety Hermione-" Ron began

"My safety? No, don't you dare! I hope you sleep well tonight knowing that i've been violated all over my body" Hermione spat

"Malfoy's already done that so it really couldn't matter" Ron teethed

She needed to run, she had it in her to run for miles. In all honesty this has pushed her over the edge, she wanted to give up. Hermione couldn't lie and say that she isn't thinking about the black lake, it would make things a lot easier for everyone else.

Hermione kept running, she knew the ins and outs of this castle and ran in different ways to throw Draco off, it worked of course but part of her wanted him to keep focused in following her. She reached the black lake through a tunnel she knew thanks to Moody. Her chest moving up and down heavily.

Hermione has never sobbed like this, it was almost as painful as when she lost Rich. Hermione threw her shirt of her head and took off her trousers, she was nearly bare. This was the way she wanted to go and she couldn't be more excited.

"Don't you dare."

She knew that voice

"Or what? It's not like you'll come back from the grave and stop me." Hermione laughed

"I'll do exactly that" He whispered

He walked closer to her, lining up perfectly with her. Hermione turned her head meeting with Rich's.

"You can't" She smiled sadly

"I'm surprised." Rich smirked


"That you haven't figured it out yet, you think you have but that's not true is it?" Rich smirked

Hermione was confused, the thought was always there that nothing was adding up but she always ignored it.

"It doesn't add up does it?" Rich grinned

"It never did...What could i possibly be missing?! I'm the horcrux, I need to die so he dies and you died, I lost you! I don't understand!" Hermione hissed

"Think!" Rich said

Think, go back to the start Hermione.

She meets Rich, open the shop, then what? Draco begins to come to the shop and they get close, Rich gets sick again and get's chemo. Rich almost dies and Hermione finds out he hasn't been going to his appointments at all so he gets sicker... Things start getting weird and Rich finally let's go leaving Hermione utterly alone, Ron and Harry move away and she finally realises she loves Draco as he is. Voldermort is back and Hermione works out that she's part of him and begins to see Rich and Theo again, things aren't changing but they're getting worse...

Hermione could never figure out why Rich looked so real as Theo looked so...dead. She always ignored it because she didn't care as long as she had him. It never explained how he could pop up anywhere she was though and how much he knew... Hermione always questioned herself on whether he was actually dead, it often made her laugh because that would be impossible, Draco couldn't see him...what was she missing?

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