i love you

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With that, you saw Eren every day for the next two-three weeks but it wasn't really him. He constantly came to class looking exhausted, he refrained from really speaking to anyone and when class was dismissed he was the first one out the door.

Those weeks just felt like they repeated themselves, you went to class, did work, then came home and slept. Nothing interesting happened, you didn't come by to see anyone and vice versa.

He stopped trying to talk to you completely and just carried on with whatever he had been in a rush for so much. You were still the same.

Upset and tired. You gave too much of yourself too quickly and only you were to blame. In your mind you were.

You also noticed Eren wore a hat almost every single day, it shielded your perception of his eyes so you weren't able to look into them to see how he was feeling like you used to.

Looking at Eren...yes, you could say that he was himself but your heart knew otherwise. There was an aching feeling, it could've possibly been you projecting but your chest felt heavy when you looked at him because you weren't looking at him.

You were looking at the person Eren had plastered for others to see, only the side of him that he allowed others to see and nothing else. You only saw what he allowed you to see...was he always like that?

Quite frankly you began to believe that you didn't even know the man you thought he was. If you truly knew him, how come you never expected him to leave you as he did? That's where you were stuck, sometimes thinking of it caused a flash of memories or even the day you met him.

You'd woken up later in the day on this Saturday and the first thing you did could've been questionable for any other perspective other than yours.

You rushed to the kitchen and opened up the cabinets, you grabbed the box of Twinkies and a tray of cheap stale cookies that should've been eating weeks ago when they were soft. You dumped all the cookies out into the trash roughly, throwing the back up and down until the cookies all fell into the trash.

You dumped all the Twinkies into a paper bag and tied it exactly three times. You walked over to the front door and put it on the doorknob for Connie to grab whenever he came over because you quite literally couldn't go a day without some form of reminder about what you lost.

"What are you doing...?" Mikasa groaned and rubbed her eyes in her pajamas.

"Throwing out everything that contains sugar." You muttered and went back to the pantry to see if there was anything else.

"NO!" She rushed over and smacked your hands off her box of Girl Scout cookies.

"Leave the thin mints out of this." She snatched her box back into her possession and you both stood in the kitchen.

"If this is about Eren you need to find other ways to heal yourself. Go out for a walk! It's nice out," she suggested and grabbed a thin mint.

You agreed and went to go grab your jacket and shoes, you were in leggings and a tee so you just threw a hoodie on and put on your shoes on your way out.

You were easily swayed to get out of the house because she was right, it was nice out. You walked out of your dorm building and it there were groups of people scattered here and there but a particularly large group were walking near your dorm building so you went the other way; around the corner.

You started walking further until you came across the sight of Eren sitting on the bench with his phone in his hand. He looked like he was waiting for someone based on how he was dressed up more than casual.

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