"She was.. Cheery." Adleth whispered into her ear. Riu grit her teeth and nodded. She hated not being able to do anything. "That's.. Our enemy right?"

"Yes," Riu replied. She most definitely was.

"Have you been here before?" Markos coaxed, she looked up and down the theater.

"Twice.. I watched the mask of Zorro here.. And another opera.. I.. don't remember its name. With my parents.. It's been quite a while." She recollected on that, the time she had spent with her parents here. The theater was just as beautiful as she remembered but its warmth was gone. Her memories felt.. empty. Alekzandr let off a heavy sigh behind her, his uncomfortableness with the situation was palpable.

"You ok Alekz?" Markos asked, Riu caught a glimpse of the two. Despite hating it alekz didn't look too bad in his suit, and Markos.. Well, when she cheered for him to wear a dress she had no idea it would be this convincing. It brought her a bit of humor. The Rushiki soldier shrugged.

"In case you haven't been able to tell, I have not been a participant in these sort of events." That.. Made sense, Riu thought. "Get me out of here, this is the first time I'd rather be in Rushiv for a long long time." She sighed and gave Andraste a hand.

"That dress is wonderful on you. You look beautiful." She told her, the group of them were moving through the halls while Riu looked at the letter, they were looking for a box.

"Thank you. I love yours as well." Andraste replied. Well, the conversation was bland.

"Let's murder people," Markos interjected. Herod let out a cackle and she continued ignoring that.

"Shut up." She snapped quickly.

"I would murder people if it wasn't against law," Alekzandr added. It took three minutes of walking but eventually, she spotted an opening in the circular hallways. A line of seats on one end, and a large wall that held a door to a viewing box on her left. That's where the Harpers had instructed them to go. Riu walked over and knocked on the door four times waiting for a response. The door swung open, and she was greeted by the faces of Mattrim and Renaer.

"Hello, you look lovely," Mattrim said, Riu went to thank him but quickly realized he was looking breathlessly at Andraste. Ah, she began to smile that made sense.

"Thanks!" Markos chipped from the back. Renaer frowned.

"Uh.. I.. said to bring your party.. Not.." Renaer looked over her shoulder at Markos, feeling like he could just vaguely recognize him. But he stopped asking questions. Renaer stepped aside and Riu entered, letting Herod, Alekzandr, and Andrasate follow in. It was when they got to Vestus, Markos, Vaelle, and Adleth that the party became unsure of what to do.

"Apologies.." Mattrim explained. "This is for.. Harpers only." The four of them looked rather saddened but shrugged. They moved away to grab seats in the theater just outside the booth. The door was shut.

"Now. On to business." Mattrim explained. The inside was certainly a private box, it had a row of seats, a few tables with refreshments, and a curtain that led to something elsewhere. In Front of the box was a see-through screen of fabric probably to keep the noise inside from getting out. "We have some people to introduce you to." Just as he said that the curtain in the box moved and a rather portly looking man with a mustache and brown hair stepped out. His face was kind looking but held a rather large squished nose. Following him was a tall soldier-like human man he had light grey hair looked to be in his.. Sixties maybe seventies. The portly man stepped forth dressed in really fine silks and he cleared his throat.

"I assume this is our group then Renaer?" The man's voice was deep and gruff it had an accent to it that sounded vaguely like a language Markos had spoke.. Didn't he call it.. Spanish? "Pleasure to meet all of you, I've heard.. Good.. uh, I've heard things" He concluded. "My name is Mert the moneylender." Riu was instantly hit with memories, she'd heard that name before.

The Keepers of Chaos: A Vault of HellWhere stories live. Discover now