Riu Astrial: CVIII

Start from the beginning

"I'm sure." Riu faked a laugh exchanging pleasantries, that's what everyone said.

"I've heard some of the things you have dealt with Ms. Astrial, I must say as friends to your father and mother I'd be careful. Adventuring is dangerous work." Riu narrowed her eyes, what right did this woman have to bring up her parents? Shit.. What would her father do?

"Oh thank you, I've been trying my best.. Adventuring is dangerous but so rewarding you never know what people are up to." She felt a hand touch the small of her back glancing over her shoulder; it was Adleth who seemed.. Defensive.

"Quite right." Ammalia had narrowed eyes yet a continued happy smile. 'Who will blink first?' She wondered. "Well, it's what your parents dealt with, so I am sure you shall be fine." Why, why was this woman doing all this? Why was the family worshiping demons and devils? What did it bring them and what did they hope to achieve? Riu wanted to scream these questions at her friend's mother. The line was moving more rapidly now, she feared this conversation was nearing its end.

"I'm just happy I can follow in their path." She bit her lip maybe it was time to unleash Markos on the noble. No.. no scenes. Staring at him she couldn't shake the memory of his aura, the one she'd seen such a while ago. The weird crown, the whispering voices, static. And most of all; that black iron chained collar which seemed to either hold him back or hold him still.. It was all metaphysical.. but she wondered, what happened when it came off? 

"Of course, and they were such noble people," Ammalia replied. "My dear, I had nearly forgotten why I approached you.. Seeing that you are the last.. Inheriting Astrial, I see it's only appropriate. My husband and I are hosting a ball on the First of Flamerule. I would like to invite you, and of course.. Your friends." Amalia leaned over Riu, she was a towering figure standing at an easy five foot eleven in heels but she was only a few inches taller than Riu. Her brain scaled the information; the first of Flamerule, Founders day. It was the twentieth now meaning in one week only ten days, was this ball they planned to host. She did not trust it.

"A ball? I hadn't heard about it yet, thank you for the invitation.. I will be sure to attend." She couldn't say no. Not now, she had to be sure whether or not it was safe. "None of that news had come to me, so thank you." She set a hand on her chest giggling like a whorish girl, she was putting up an act. She hoped it was good. Ammalia bowed and smiled.

"Of course.. It will be a very lovely occasion, we even plan to invite many commoners, it is time the Cassalanter's reach out to the poorest of our city. Help refurbish this beaten town." Riu smiled, at Ammalia's words. That woman.. That elven-decent woman really wanted to give back? She didn't buy it. Not this new Ammalia. "Yes, we are inviting a hundred guests from Waterdeep's poorest, randomly picked common folk." Markos made a squeaking sound behind Riu she quickly moved when Ammalia tried to see what it was.

"How generous of you!" She exclaimed Selune she wanted to throw up this stupid, stupid- ugh! "I'm so glad to see you giving back to the community. Mind If I may, but how is Osvaldo?" Ever since her vision she couldn't help but shake some feeling of dread, hearing the number one hundred.. She.. got some sensation in the back of her skull. Ammalia's expression grew a small grin.

"Osvaldo is still off for his studies, he tells me NeverWinter is lovely. Now if you will please excuse me I must attend the opera's Opening remarks." Ammalia's words came through grit teeth and she cut off the conversation so quickly. Riu sensed she had struck a nerve. 'No.. please no.' She begged the air and Toril that Osvaldo had not been dragged into their corrupt affair. Lady Cassalanter left in a rapid hurray barely even saying anything at all. Riu had finally reached the front of the line presenting her tickets, the booth man frowned but let them inside. The interior of the Blood Wedding theater was red satin carpets with black stone walls and hallways to conceal the theater itself, no one wanted the sound quality to be poor.

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