Life after Loss

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3rd POV:

It was a typical day at school for Izuku Midoryia, he was a hero in training at the most prestigious high school for heroes in all of Japan, UA. It was a shock to everyone there when he was able to get into the hero course without having a quirk.

Even though he is now a student at the greatest school for heroes, life isn't sunshine and rainbows, let alone the rain, it was a GOD DAMN THUNDERSTORM. You see, in a world where 80 percent of people possess an ability called a quirk, life is more entitled to the quirk lifestyle. But for those who don't have a quirk, they were not treated well. It was as if they were born by mistake, and they were not meant to be alive. There weren't many young quirkless people, as many of them were either killed young or they committed suicide.

 This became Izuku's reality since UA was the only high school that even allows quirkless students to attend, which pretty much limited Izuku's choices from the very start. The school didn't take that into account and were very annoyed that a quirkless got into the hero course

Izuku had to get to class early so that he can avoid his classmates and teachers, as they like everyone else see him as a mistake for getting into UA. Even though the school sees him as a mistake, he didn't care about any of it.

Classmates beating him up - nothing. Teachers calling him and giving him punishments for being quirkless - nothing. Being suspended or punished for absolutely no reason - nothing

No harm caused by the school or around him could do anything to him. You want to know why? Because he had to experience the worst outbreak that took away everything, His family, his home, everything was taken from him. He had lived 8 years in his effected hometown until he was able to get out of his destroyed home. He had to wait 3 years just to get a student pass, so he can go to school. After getting out He kept his painful past a secret and never told anyone, of course, he had to deal with bullying from classmates, teachers, even from Bakugo of all people. 

Every day when he goes to school, even when he's 2 hours early, he would always get caught by Bakugo and his goons and get beaten up. They would even tell him to go commit suicide and hope he would have a quirk in the next life. Izuku didn't let the beatings or suicide advice get to him, as he knew that there was a worse fate than death, and he had to witness it so many times and at a very young age.

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