25) Leave me

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The door handle sent shivers down Vik's spine. Almost a week had gone by since his friend stopped talking to him. Ever since the wedge was driven between them, Vik has hated coming home to his dorm. This is where he's supposed to unwind. Now he finds the lecture halls more relaxing. Although, Harry surely felt the same way about their arrangement. Nothing ever happens when they're both home. It's eerily quiet and the tension is deadly. They had become strangers. Every time Vik faced the door he was drenched in dread. 

The air was always freezing. Not literally, but anyone's core would be chilled to the bone if they spent one measly second inside. Vik carefully entered to find Harry hunched over his own desk. As per the new normal, Harry didn't greet Vik's presence. He didn't even wear headphones as an excuse. He wanted Vik to know he was purposefully ignoring him. Vik didn't even bother saying "hi" this time. He never got a response like he wanted. Vik dropped his book bag next to his desk and got ready to jump onto his bed. He suddenly hesitated. There was an itch to be scratched. 

Today was different for some reason. He glanced over at Harry who had his left hand holding his head, and his right hand copying notes from his laptop. The first day Harry began the silent treatment Vik felt apologetic, but he refrained from saying anything to see if this would blow over. When it continued for a few more days, Vik went from uneasy to acting cold in return. Harry's harsh response to the secrets irritated Vik. He thought the meek roommate was being rather childish in his handling of the situation. It wasn't like keeping either of the secrets made Harry any worse off. And by today, Vik had enough. This game had become tiresome. He didn't want to spend the last three weeks of school with this wound untreated. An infection would grow, and thereby make it impossible for Vik to focus on finals. Yet again he found himself at the bus stop of unresolved tension, and this time the bus wasn't showing up. So Vik has to walk to the resolution himself. 

"Harry. This is getting stupid." 


"Hello? I'm actually trying to talk to you." Silence again. Nothing. Not even an annoyed huff. Vik marched over to Harry's desk. He stood directly next to the seated boy as close as Vik felt comfortable with. "Are you going to keep acting like a stubborn baby or talk this out with me?" Harry finally broke frame. His head turned and Vik was met those baby blues that had been hidden away. A firework of hope launched inside of Vik when he saw Harry's lips part.

"It's kind of hard to block you out of my life when you keep talking to me." The firework was extinguished before it even had the chance to reveal its dazzling display. Vik's face scrunched in disgust. There was a hint of disbelief mixed in there too. Harry was unbelievably stupid for not taking this opportunity to reconcile. 

"You're just being ridiculous now. Do you really need to block me out of your whole life?" Rejection is an abhorrent taste on the tongue.

"Yes. What's actually ridiculous is you still trying to prop up this asymmetric friendship. Let it go!" Harry seethed. Vik couldn't believe what he was hearing. Just "let it go?" Their friendship is doomed if they don't work together! Little does Vik know, that's exactly what Harry wants. "You were never the friend I thought you were. I thought, 'Sure, maybe he's not perfect but no one is.' Until you turned out to be a total control freak and liar."

"Look, I'm sorry if it upsets you that I had things I wanted to keep private in my life."

"And I didn't?!" He screamed so loud the whole floor could hear. The reaction scared Vik so much he nearly jumped out of his own skin. His wide eyes took in the whole scene of Harry standing with his fists clenched, chest aggressively rising and falling, and eyes piercing Vik's soul with bitterness. "I can't be here right now. I'm gonna go do homework somewhere else. And I'm not telling you where!" Harry hurriedly gathered his belongings into his backpack.

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