Jimin: "Jeun what were you doing?"

Jeun: "I was about to open the door before you open it."

Taehyung: "For how long were you standing here?"

Jeun: "W-what? I just reached here a few seconds ago that's why i fell on Jimin. "

Taehyung: "Be careful not to fall on everyone in my office. You have some reputation here so behave like a sensible person."

Jeun: "I am not senseless okay." I rolled my eyes. I saw Jimin and Jin oppa laughing silently.

Taehyung: "How ill-mannered of you to roll your eyes at your boss. "

Jeun: "Huh so called boss."

Jin: "Okok stop your arguments. Jeun what brought you here?"

Jeun: "Actually I don't have any work to do here. So i came to ask about that."

Jin: "Ugh so what relax yourself why work. There are already many employees here."

Jimin: "Jin hyung she is not that type of girl who loves to be lazy. Come on Jeun Taehyung said me to tell you your work."

Jeun: "Uh okay thanks. "

Jimin: "Lets go."

         We went outside and the two borthers were discussing something about business. Jimin was also busy but thanks to him he gave me time. He explained me my work in detail. It was a little tiring and more than i usually do. I worked at a cafe before so this was kind of new for me and i like it. I had a good post here. At least I don't have to clean his mansion all day like a maid and get bored. So i decided not to say Jimin to lessen my work. It might be embarrassing if I deny to do it.

Jimin: "That's all. My office is near Taehyung's. Do tell me if you need anything."

Jeun: "Thank you so much Jimin for telling me. By the way i have a confusion."

Jimin: "What confusion?"

Jeun: "All I knew before was that you guys are mafias. But what is this company and employees and all this? Were you guys not mafias but company owners?"

Jimin: "Jeun I know you listened our conversation between three of us. So we certainly are mafias. But we have a company of ours in the outer world. That mafia stuff is inner. "

I widened my eyes. How does he know???

Jeun: "Y-you how do you know i listened to your guys conversations?"

Jimin: "Come on Jeun. Jin hyung and Tae didn't notice but the way you fell on me and became nervous elaborated everything. Just close this topic. You shouldn't know more than that now."

Jeun: "O-okay. Why do you guys have to be mafias if you have a big business?"

Jimin: "Its not that much big. And I have many other works so bye."

Jeun: "Wait-"

Before I could say anything he disappeared. I sighed and started doing my work.

      After a work of some hours, i was having a little headache. I was so focused on work that i gladly forgot about my forced marriage thing for sometime. But when my head started to pain I realised that I didn't sleep properly yesterday night because of anxiety. Then i remembered that Jimin told me to inform him if I need anything. So i decided to march towards his room.

       I knocked the door of his office room. But i received no response. I guess he is not there. I opened the door and saw no one. I sighed. Where did he go when he is supposed to be here i really have a bad headache but I haven't done my work yet. I don't know whether I should leave my work or not. But still what will I do if I leave it.

I Was Just His Tool (Taehyung X Jeun) Where stories live. Discover now