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Should I just let him kill me? It's what he wants.

"(Y/N)! GET UP! PLEASE! THIS ISN'T WHAT YOUR BROTHER WANTS! PLEASE GET UP! GET UP FOR YOUR BROTHER HINATA!!" Takemichi yells. My eyes shot wide open. Hinata...my little sun. I grab the crowbar before it hit my body. "H-Hinata...he was my sun and my father was the moon." I grip tighter on the crowbar. I lift my head up and glared at (R/n). "And you took them both away from me." I kicked him and snatched the crowbar. The other gang members went to attack me, but I knocked them down. I went towards (R/n) as he tried to crawl away. "H-Hey! L-listen, w-we know each other! I-I was your d-dads' best friend! I-I didn't want to kill your brother!" He said. I kicked him to the center of the area. I grabbed the rope that was laying around and tied him up. "Let me show you how much pain you cause me. Five years, right? Five years of blaming myself, abuse from my mother, the pain in my heart, the lost of my baby brother. You, your filthy gang, and whoever else that was in it will pay." I dug in his pockets and took out the coin he used back then. "What leg should I break first?" I pointed the crowbar at his left leg. "A?" I pointed at his right leg. "Or B? Let's flip the coin." I flipped it up and it landed on heads. I held the crowbar up. "N-NO! PLEASE! I BEG YOU! I'M SORRY! DON'T-" I slammed it down and I'm sure everyone heard the crack from his leg. He cried out in pain. I went for his right leg. He again begged, but I didn't listen. I went all the up to his arms. "Do you feel my pain?" I ask him. He whimpered and nodded his head. "Liar!" I kicked him. He began to cry and beg me to stop. I drop the crowbar and grab his gun. "P-PLEASE D-D-DON'T K-KILL ME!! I-I'M S-SORRY! I-I'M S-SORRY!" He cried out. I pulled the trigger. I crouch down and look at him. He seemed confused on why I didn't kill him. "I want to kill you, but that's not how the Angel of Death works." I said.

I look at his gang. "I want all of you to throw down your jackets! You no longer belong to this gang! He took something from me and I'm going to take something from him! And that includes all of you for being in this disgusting gang! I will take away your dignity, pride, and freedom to walk on the streets! You will all suffer the consequences!" I shout at them. They threw their gang jackets down in a pile and sat down in shame. I got a match and set the jacket on fire. "Justice...not vengeance." I mutter.

I turn my head and look at the guys. I noticed that Baji was bleeding as he walked down the mountain of wrecked cars. My eyes widen in fear as he stabbed himself in the stomach. No...No! No! No! No! "Baji!" I ran towards him, but fell as I felt the pain back in my stomach. I crawled back up and went to him.

I felt tears fall from my eyes. "You idiot! Just why the f*** would you do that?!" I cried. "You promised me! You promised me that I wouldn't lose more people that I love!" I felt him weakly grab my hand. "Hehe, I guess I didn't clarify when that will happen." He said. "That's not funny, jacka**." I sniffed. This isn't real...thus isn't real. But it is! I should've been done with (R/n) quicker and could've prevented Baji from doing this! If only I was quicker! If only I delt with my demons! If only I did something right! It's my fault! "Oi..." I look at Baji. "Don't go blaming yourself for this. This isn't your fault...nothing is." You idiot... I felt my tears coming down like waterfalls. He began to look paler by the second. "Look...in my pocket." He told me. I dug in his pocket and my eyes began to burn as I tried to hold back my tears. It was the hairpin I wore that Halloween when I met him. "I want you to wear it for our date tonight." He said. I tighten my grip on his hand. "I...I love you..." I whisper to him. "I love you too, pumpkin." He replies with a smile. His grip slips through mine.

I couldn't stop crying. I was choking on my own air as I tried not to scream, but I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up and slowly walked away from his body. "(Y-Y/n)...?" I clench my fist and raised them against my head. It hurts...everything hurts from the inside and out. I couldn't hold it anymore. I screamed. Screamed in pain and agony. I wanted the whole world to hear how much pain my heart has built up.

I began to feel dizzy. Blood loss...I almost tripped forward, but caught myself. It didn't matter as I fell back on the ground. "(Y/n)!!" I heard the others yell. I look up at the sky. Hinata...dad...Baji...please come back... I closed my eyes as my eyelids got heavy. I'm so lost without the three of you.

"It's okay Nee-chan. I still love you."

"Be strong, pumpkin. I love you."

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