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I was drawing in my journal, while the teacher was talking about a lesson. "(Y/n)-chan, please pay attention to my lesson unless you want to get lost in the homework." My teacher says as they eye me. This b**** never liked me. "Apologies," I said. I rolled my eyes and put my journal away. "It's not like I fail anyway," I mutter. "What was that?" I jump as they somehow heard me. Oh, f*cking christ. Damn their Vulcan hearing. "Hhmm? What was what?" I ask as I play dumb. Hina smacks her forehead. "I have had enough of your disrespect towards your elders." They said. B****! I only disrespect the elders who need it. You're under that category. Lord of mercy help me before she calls my mother. I pray silently.

Just then the door bursts open. "(Y/n)?!" My eyes widen seeing it was Baji. "Oh God no...." I mumble. "(Y/n)!" Mikey greets as he pops his head in. "You here (Y/n)?" Ken-chin follows. "Did you have to kick the door like that?" Mitsuya asks as he walks. I sink deeper into my seat. They won't see me. They won't see me. They won't see me. They won't see me. They won't- "There you are!" Baji smiles. Dammit. "Hehe, you found me. What do you want?" I ask. "Nothing much. Just hang out." Mikey says. I gave him the 'the f***?' Face. "You came all this way to kick down the door, interrupt my class, shout my name, and just ask to hang out?" "Yep." He replies. "You're tempering my patience..." I said through my teeth. "Unfortunately, I'm busy. Sorry, you came all this way for nothing." I said as I tried to shoo them away. "Mmmm, I don't care. You're coming with us." Baji says and unexpectedly carries me over his shoulder. "B-Baji! Put me down!" I punch his back. Mitsuya sighs and grabs my bag. "No! Baji! Hina help!" I call out to her. Already, we were out the door. "I'm being kidnapped!" I shout. Ken-chin covers my mouth. "No, she's not." He says. I glare at him and lick his hand. He retreats his hand away and cleans it off. "You're gross." He said. I stuck my tongue at him.

We all drove to a nearby restaurant. "I hate all you...equally.  Maybe less on Mitsuya." I said as I got off Baji's bike. "That's a little biased," Mikey says trying to act hurt. I flip him off and walked into the building.

The guys were talking about something that I didn't care for while I drew in my journal. "Open wide, baby girl." I turn my head to see a caring mother feed her two-year-old child. The child adorably claps their hands for something anyone could do. Their father clapping along to encourage the child. "(Y/n)?" Life was so much simpler back then. "(Y/n)." I jump and turn my head. "Sorry, what?" I ask. "Order your food," Ken-chin said. "O-Oh..." I look down and stutter as I ordered my food. I hate doing social interactions with strangers. The waiter went away and I continued drawing. "What's on your mind? You seem...distracted." Mitsuya said. "It's nothing," I reply. "Pretty sure it's something. Tell us." Mikey says. "No, I don't need you guys knowing my personal life," I said and went back to my drawing. He then snatches my journal. "A**hole! Give it back!" I grit my teeth. He started flipping through the pages and the others look over. Baji held me back a bit. "These are good," Mikey says. "It's something called talent. Probably something you never heard of." I retort. "Insulting me while I complimented you. Now that's just rude." "It's called being tick off, b****," I said. I then saw a family photo drop out. Ken-chin picks it up. "Woah, was this you?" He asks. "No, I just have a random family photo in my journal. Of course, it's me. Be careful of that." I said as I release myself from Baji. I carefully snatch the photo back and look at it.

- Draken POV -

I look at (Y/n) as she stared at the photo. The emotion in her eyes changed as she looks at it. Something was bothering her when she looks at it. "Here are your orders." The waiter said. I look back at (Y/n) to see her almost back to normal. She catches my eyes and I turn away. What the hell is wrong with me? I already have a girlfriend. Still even as I think that my mind goes back to (Y/n).


- (Y/n) POV -

We finished eating and we were walking back to the bikes. The guys were talking about random things as boys do. "Shut up and come along." I stop and turn my head. A tall black hair male was grabbing a small boy's wrist. My heart dropped as I saw the gang jacket.

"No! Stay with me! Don't go!" I cried out as I held his hand.

Never again will I let more get hurt by them. "Oi!" I shout and stomp over to the two. The guy turns his head and I punch his face. "Don't touch him!" I moved the boy to the side and the others were catching up to me. I grab the guy's shirt. I felt anger and sadness arise. "I HATE YOU!! WHY DID YOU TAKE HIM FROM ME! WASN'T ONE ENOUGH FOR YOUR FILTHY GANG!! DIE!" I continued punching his face over and over. Repeating 'die' as well as I punched him. "(Y/n)! Stop! You're going to kill him!" Mitsuya shouts as he pulls me away. "HE SHOULD DIE LIKE THE REST OF HIS GANG!" Mikey helped him pull me away while Baji and Draken deal with the filthy trash member.

They let him go since he was too much of a chicken to fight back kids that were younger than him. I calmed down a bit but was still pissed that they let him go. I crouch down to the boy that was crying. "Are you okay?" I ask him. He wipes away his tears and nods. "I-I didn't k-know h-him. I w-want my m-mommy." He cries. I pick him up and he cries on my shoulder. "Shh. It's okay. Do you remember where you last say your mommy?" He nods and tells me.

- Mikey POV -

"Mommy!" The boy runs to his mother and they both thank (Y/n). She gave a smile, but her eyes told a different story. I thought about what she said when she was beating up that guy. We followed her as she was walking away. She stopped and sat on a swing. "You okay now?" I ask as I sat down on the other swing. "Why did you let him go?" I could tell she was still angry from the sound of her tone. "You were going to kill him and we aren't in the position to let that happen," I told her. She stood silent. "What's was your deal with that gang anyway?" Baji asks. We all look at her. "....that gang took something from me and everything just went south..." I didn't get what she meant by that, but from the looks of Mitsuya, he knew something. It was silent until she got up and let out a sigh. "You know what they say...holding in your feelings is bad..." she reached into her bag and took out a spray can. "So let it out." She grins and shook the can. I raised a brow and smirked at her. "What are you planning to do?" I ask. "Come and watch. And you will see." She put her hood up and took out a black mask. I look at the others and they smiled. We ran behind her.

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