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I felt the sunshine through the window. Is it morning already? I don't want to get up. Ugh, mom is going to be in a b****y mood if I don't. Though she's always like that. Wait-did I get back home after taking care of Mikey? I shot up from the bed and noticed that I was still at Mikey's. "Son of a b****!" I shout. My heart dropped down to my stomach as I looked at the time. One, I wasn't there to make mom breakfast! Two, I'm late for school! Three, I'm going to get a beating! "What's wrong?" Mikey asks as he woke up. I glared at him. "You were supposed to wake me up, jacka**!" I yelled at him. I got off the bed and stomped out of his room. "(Y/n), wait." I heard him follow me. "I forgot okay. It's not a big deal." He said. I whip my head back at him. "Not a big deal?!" I got close to his face. "You may act like the king of the world with your stupid gang, but other people have lives! Lives that are harder than others! You don't know me! Don't act as you do! Cause if you knew then you could see that my life is utter s***!" I shouted at him. I turned away and opened the door. "I hate all, you Toman!" I close the door and got on my bike. My eyes burned from me holding back my tears. I knew what was coming to me. And I was afraid.

- Hanma POV -

I graze my finger on her name. (Y/n)... She's been on my mind recently and I was getting bored. I don't think she would mind if I stop by her school.


Huh...she's not here? I guess she took a day off. I started walking to her house.

I went behind the tattoo shop and smiled as I was getting ready to see her. Besides all the violence that gets me all riled up and excited...just the thought of her excites me. Her fierce attitude makes her all more fun. It feels like nothing could stop her. "YOU'RE AN UTTER PIECE OF S***! LEAVING AND HANGING OUT WITH BOYS! WHAT ARE YOU A S***?!" I look up at her window and heard her mother yelling. "I-I'm sorry...i-it's my fault..." Is she...crying? "EVERYTHING THAT GOES WRONG IS ALWAYS YOUR FAULT! THAT'S WHY YOUR FATHER LEFT US! BECAUSE OF YOU! I SHOULD'VE ABANDONED YOU WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE!" my eyes widened as I heard a crash. "YOUR FATHER WANTED TO KEEP YOU! FOR WHAT?! HE LEFT YOU! HE NEVER LOVED YOU! HE REPLACED YOU! HE REPLACED US!! AND IT'S BECAUSE OF YOU! YOUR FAULT THAT HE LEFT! YOUR FAULT THAT I'M LIKE THIS! IT'S YOUR FAULT THAT EVERYTHING IN MY LIFE WENT WRONG! YOU TOOK EVERYTHING AWAY FROM ME!" Her mother yells. I heard glass breaking and a door slam. I climb up and went inside her room. The room was trashed. Art portraits were ruined, her art supplies thrown on the ground, pictures or photo frames shattered or torn apart. I look over as I heard (Y/n) crying. She was hiding in the corner and her arms were covered in cuts, bruises, and glass shards. I crouch down and gently put my hand on her head. "Even the strong have a weakness," I said. "Go away..." she spoke. Her voice was cracked from all the crying. My heart and emotions became weird. It...it pained me to see her like this. "And leave you like this? I don't think you're mentally stable to take care of yourself." I gently pick her up. I could tell she was too tired and beaten to fight back. I took her to her bathroom and found the items that I needed. I wonder how long she endured this pain. Has she suffered more before I met her? I look at her to see her have a blank stare. "Hey, you don't believe what that hag said, right?" I ask. She stayed silent. "I don't know much about you as I like to. But whatever happened isn't your fault. Grown-up just like to blame the child because they think it's easier than blaming themselves. I'm sure it's her fault for being that way. It's not your fault when things go wrong for her. For anyone." I told her. I put my hand against her cheek. Her eyes look at mine. "It's not your fault," I said. She began to cry again and tried to calm her down.

I carried her to her bed, and I rest next to her. "Go to sleep, okay. I won't let anything happen to you." I told her. She stayed silent but her expression told me everything. "What you don't believe me?" I laugh. "Or are you just curious about me being all soft on you?" I got closer to her. "Lucky for you, you're the first person I ever been soft on." She turns her head away and covered herself with her cover. She flinched as I knew she hurt her arm. I sigh and rub her arm underneath the cover. Stubborn woman. I get under the covers with her and pulled her close to me. You are indeed the first girl that I have ever been soft to. I'll protect you because I hate seeing you hurt. You created something new in me and I think I know what it is. You excite me by just your name in general. Don't let your spark go away...what will I do then?

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