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I remember...I remember the simplest times back then. When everything was wonderful and bright. I was part of Gang at the age of nine. They were called....The Black Dragons. I was part of the ninth generation. A new member, the only girl in an all men gang.

That's were I met the two people I cared most about.

"Why let a nine year old join us? Especially one that's a girl." I walked up behind the black hair male. "You got a problem with that, buddy?" I ask. He turns around and looks down at me a bit. I raise my chin up. "I may be a girl and be a year younger than you, but I can probably do more than what you can." I said to him. "You finally arrived, Brat." Taiju spoke up. I put my bat on my shoulder. "Name calling? What happen to playing nice?" I ask as I stared at him. He knows full well that he should respect me. He rolls his eyes and I walk up next to him. "Listen up! We have a new member today! This is (L/n) (Y/n)! Daughter of (L/n) (F/n), also know as Hades from the Warriors Gang! You all know that Hades is a founding memeber of that group and we all respect him! You should all do the same for his daughter! No matter how much she annoys you!" Taiju announces. "How rude." I pout. "She will a Attack Guard former member! That's all!" Taiju finishes. I raise my hand and wave. "Hello! Thanks so much for having me!" I smile. I could already tell that they all didn't like me. But I didn't care. I wanted to be just like my father and that started on joining the toughest gang around me.

Though, it wasn't easy being the only girl in the gang. I was pushed aside even from Taiju. How was I going to grow strong when I can't completely join in on the fun?

I watched as the guys were training. "Oi! Can I join?" I ask Inui - who was the captain of the Attack Guard. He looks at me with a blank stare. "Can you even fight?" Kokonoi- the Elite Guard Captain - said. He was the first one to complain about me. "I can too!" I told him. "Let's see then." He got close to my face. "You're on." I reply. I took off my jacket and put down my bat. "Not going to use a weapon?" He asks. "It wouldn't be a fair fight. Now are we going to talk all day or fight?" I ask. He glares at me. "Watch your tone." He spat at me. "Make me." I got in my stance to fight.

He came at me first and I moved to the other side. I trip him with my foot and he fell on the ground. "Whoopsies! Did I accidentally make you trip?" I taunted. He growls and drags me down. He pins me down. "Not so tough now are you?" He smirks. I gave an unamused face. "As if." I hit my head against his and kicked him off. We both got up and started fist fighting. He got me here and there, but I did most of the damage on him.

I grab his shoulders and punch him in the stomach which set him flying a few feet away from me. I huffed in and out since I was running out of breath. I guess I hit him too hard that he struggled to get up. "You're done already? Things were just getting interesting! Or do you want to take back what you said about me?" I crouch down. "I'm all ears." I smile. "F*** ....you..." he spat blood on my face. "Now that was rude." I wipe the blood off my face. "You think that guys would be more gentlemen like these days." I grab my bat. "Got anything to say?" I ask him. He continues to stare at me. I sigh. "I gave you a chance." I went to swing down, but a hand grabs my wrist. I turn my head to see Inui. "Stop. You've proved yourself enough to be noticed by us. To be honest, I should have never doubted your strength. Neither should have Koko." He said. "S-Shut up, man." Kokonoi stood up and place his hand against his side. "We both apologize for doubting you, daughter of Hades." Inui bows at me. I was surprised and I lowered my bat.

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