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- Akkun POV-

The bell rang for lunch and I got up to find the others. I turned the corner and saw (Y/n) and Takuya. "I think I pull that off." (Y/n) said. "What?! T-That's insane!" Takuya argues. (Y/n) puts her hands on her hips and looks at him. "You don't think I can pull it off?" She asks. I walked up to them as I saw Takuya was getting nervous. "What's up?" I ask. "Akkun, just the man I wanted to see. Do you think I pull off the deathhawk haircut?" (Y/n) asks. She shows me a picture of a person that has the haircut she wants. "Takuya here thinks I can't pull it off. I think I can, but I want to know what you think." She said. "But why cut your hair? It's good the way it is, right Akkun?" Takuya asks me.

They both stared at me. I sweatdropped from the pressure I felt. "I-I think anything will look great on you (Y/n)." I spilled out. I felt my face heat up. "Ha! See, Akkun agrees with me. After school, we'll do it." She cheers. "A-After school?" I ask. "Yeah, so you can do it for me. I trust you with my hair." She hugs my arm close to her chest. I felt more flustered. "Oh! I have to think of hair color. Maybe a tattoo too!" She went off to grab her journal. I release a sigh and smile. She seems happier than usual. That's good. "Oh, I see..." Takuya smirks. "Huh? What?" I ask as I face him. "You're agreeing with her so you can get a chance to get a date with her." He says. "W-What?! It's not even a date, dude. You're going to be there too." I respond. "True." He replies. "Besides..." I start. "Hmm?" He questions. "She seems happier than usual. I didn't want to ruin her mood." I smile as I watch her doodle in her journal. He chuckles. "Yeah..." (Y/n) walks up to us. "I think I know what tattoo I want." She hums and shows us.

"A sun and clouds?" Takuya asks

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"A sun and clouds?" Takuya asks. I hit his shoulder a bit. "Yeah, not as crazy as my other ones but this one holds another meaning. A special one." She smiles. She holds so many secrets that sometimes I don't even know what she means half the time. "Let's go before lunch ends." She grabs my hand and drags me behind her. I hold her hand with a better grip. This feels nice. I want her to always hold my hand.


"You're serious with this?" Kazushi asks. "Of course. This is the time to have fun and do dumb sh*t in our lives. Try new looks or things that we may or may not regret. Don't act like you haven't done anything dumb in your life." She said as she picked out a hair dye. "She has a point," Makoto said. We laugh and went to buy the items we needed.

"Ready?" I ask as I held the hair buzzer. I already parted her hair. "Ready as I'll ever be." She replies. "Okay." I started to cut off her hair. After cutting her hair, I put on the bleach.

"Draw four cards." (Y/n) smiles. "WHAT?! Again?!" Kazushi shouts. (Y/n) laughs evilly and picks a color. "Don't let her out!" Takemichi said. "I don't know what color she has! U-Uhh-Blue!" Makoto blurt out. We all look at her. She let out a sigh. "You got me." She said. We smile in relief. "Is what I would be saying! Uno Uno out, b****es!" She laughs out. We groan and fell back. "There's no defeating the master of Uno." Takuya groans. She giggles and takes the snacks and money the winner will get. "Another point for me." She draws a tally mark on the board. "Oop- I think it's time to rinse out my hair." I got up and took her to my bathroom. She puts her head in the tub. She looks at me.

"Thank you for doing this for me and for hanging out. It's been a while since we had this much fun." She said. "It's no problem. I also enjoy hanging out with you and the others. It's nice to see you smile more often." I smile at her. She smiles back. I felt the blush creep up on my face. I turned my head and tried to think of something to talk about. "So...uh...a sun tattoo huh? Earlier you said it meant something important." I said. "Yeah. I always loved the sun. So bright and warm. Its light makes us able to live and see all the colors of the world. I always loved it." She hums. "Really? I only thought of you like a moon person." I said. "I love the moon as well, but I love the sun the most. Everything morning I would be so excited to see the sun. Greet it. Smile at it. Have fun all day just because of it." She smiles. I sat her up and dried her hair. I then started making the dye. "Every day it made me happy. Just to see its face." I saw her smile go down. "Though...the world became dark and I wasn't able to see the sun no longer. Even if the moon was there, it still goes away as well." She sniffs and I panic. "Are you okay?" I ask. I put my hand against her cheek. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't show this much emotion." She said. "Hey, don't be sorry. It's okay to let your feelings out." I reply. I noticed where my hand was. "S-Sorry, I shouldn't have-" she places my hand back on her cheek. "It's okay. I like the feeling of your hands." She hums. I blush and look at her. I slowly close into her. Wait- What am I doing? She's not moving...so does she- I felt my lips on hers. I wasn't sure what to do. My eyes widen as she began to kiss me back. My heart began to beat out of my chest. Does she like me back? Is this my chance to finally be with her? I opened my eyes as she replaces her lips with her hand. "Akkun, I like you, but...." she was looking away and blushing. "My heart is not ready. A few years ago, my heart broke and it hasn't been the same since then. I put walls around it so that way I won't cause the person I love to be in pain. I don't want to hurt you." I was disappointed but I respect her words. I don't know much about (Y/n)'s past before I met her. "I understand. But know that I'll be waiting for you. I'm always here for you whenever you need me. Okay?" I kiss her forehead. "You're so sweet, Akkun. Don't ever change." She hums. I then felt her kiss my cheek. I love you, my (Y/n). I'll always will.

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