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I groaned and went to grab my phone. Who the hell is calling me this early in the morning?! "Hello?" I asked as I answered the call. "(Y/n), this is Draken. I need you to come to Mikey's house." Draken says. "Why? Also how the hell did you get my number?" I ask. "I'll tell you when you get here. Takemichi gave it to me since you didn't give us your contact information." He replies. I groan again. "Fine...and there was a reason not to give it." I ended the call after he gave me the address. Stupid Toman.


I knocked on the door, and put my hands in my pockets. It seems like it's starting to get a bit cold. The door opens and Draken looks down at me. "So what's up?" I ask. "Achoo!" I heard Mikey sneeze. "Oh..." I took out my mask and gloves and put them on. I followed Draken to Mikey's room. "(Y/n)-chan, you came." Mikey smiles. "Uh-huh, what is it that you want?" I ask. "*Cough* Takemichi said you're good at cooking. Since I'm sick and your commander, I want you to make me something to eat....please," he said. I felt an irk mark on my head. That Takemichi opening his mouth about me! Damn this Toman gang! I was supposed to have an off day and yet I'm stuck cooking for a childish teen who is older than me! "You Toman guys are pushing my patience," I said through my teeth. I took a deep breath and turned away. "I'm going to buy ingredients. Don't be so whiney while I'm gone." I said. I looked up and saw Emma. "Hey, (Y/n)-chan!" She smiles. It's too early for being cheerful. I continued walking and I noticed that Draken followed me. "Aren't you going to stay with him?" I ask. "I'm not dealing with him in that kind of state." He said. I stifle a laugh. I think I remember a store being not too far from here. I started walking. "Aren't you going to take your bike?" He asks. "Tch! Do you think I'm made of money? Gas takes most of my tips away. Your friend is taking all I have left. Plus there's a store nearby." I told him.

"Do you not get much from your job?" He asks. "Most of it goes to my mom. I'll be lucky enough to have at least 60 bucks at the of the week. But it usually goes to groceries or other utilities." I said. "Must be hard." He said. "Well, it's a head start for the real world. Jobs, bills, taxes...all that grown-up stuff." I sigh. "Yeah, might as well enjoy being a kid while it lasts," Draken said. I haven't been a kid since I was nine.


"Let's see...what can I make?" What can I make for a teen child? I can't technically call him a man-child. "How about we just get him this?" I look over at Draken to see him holding a frozen food meal. "Are you insane? Do you want him to get better or not?" I growl at him. He backed up a bit. "Alright geez, I was just asking." He went to go put it away. I roll my eyes and went to go find the ingredients I need.

- Draken POV -

This woman can be so grumpy in the morning. I look at her as she picked a few items off the shelf. I wonder what she was going to make for Mikey? I chuckled as she started having trouble grabbing an item off the top shelf. "Need help, shorty?" I ask as I grab the item. "Don't make me break your face." She threatens. "I'll like to see you try and reach up at me." I grin and got close to her face. "One swift kick in the balls and I'll have you kneeling." She grins back. "Oh my, is that how the young ones show affection to each other?" We heard an old woman ask. (Y/n) and I whip our heads to the woman. "W-We're not a c-couple ma'am. You misunderstand our relationship. Just normal...friends." (Y/n) said. "I know love when I see it. You two seem like a good pair." The old lady smiles and walks off. (Y/n) lets out a sigh. "First time I ever heard you stutter." I tease her. "Shut up, you stupid bean pole." She huffed and walks away. "Kawaii." I hum. My eyes widen at what I said. What the crap?! I don't like her. Do I? No. I already have a girlfriend. "Oi, bean pole. You coming or what?" She frowns at me. She's not my type anyway. She's so bossy. "Yeah, yeah. Don't get your panties in a twist." I reply. "Imma kick your a** for that." She growls. "As if." I retort. "You wanna go round two?" She asks with a glare. I laugh and continued to push the cart for her.

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