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- Takemichi POV -

"Hey, you wouldn't happen to know where (Y/n)-chan is, do you?" Kazutora asks. I thought back on when I last saw her. "I think she left early. How do you know her anyway?" I ask. "She did a tattoo on me. She's so mysterious." He laughs. Wait- (Y/n) knew some of the Valhalla members? Well Kazutora is the only one that she has been on contact with. "She's also very cute. Does she have a boyfriend?" He asks. "Ah-not that I know of." I reply.

- Akkun POV -

I frowned as I heard Kazutora ask about (Y/n). I felt jealousy rise, but I let it go. (Y/n) doesn't like guys like him...I think...


- (Y/n) POV-

I look down at the scene in front of me. Baji...what are you getting at? I see Kazutora walk in with- TAKEMICHI!! This brat gets in every terrible situation! "Kazutora." Hanma spoke. "You ready?" He asks. "I only found Takemichi. (Y/n)-chan left school early and she wasn't home." Kazutora replies. "You're a creep for going to my home." I said. I hung upside-down from the ceiling. They all look up at me. "Ah, there you are, sweetheart." Hanma smiles. I flip over and went down. Landing on my feet at the end. "Don't call me that." I told him. I wave off the smell of smoke. "Don't you have a window anywhere? I hate the smell of smoke." I said. Hanma snapped his fingers and all the members put out their cigarettes. Some opened a window, but it was still smokey in here.

They all began to talk about if Baji was trustworthy of becoming a Valhalla member. Takemichi was only there because he was a witness. When they shouted about killing him, I got on edge. Luckily, they weren't and Takemichi did tell them that Baji was now Toman's enemy. He isn't serious about this, is he? No, he cares for his friends and wouldn't suddenly change his mind. So what is he up to? "And kill Mikey." I was brought back to reality as Kazutora said that. I look at Baji. He not serious. "Yeah. I'll help you out, Kazutora." Baji replies. "I think that's enough." Kazutora says. Hanma agrees and the crowd cheers. Once they quiet down I cross my arms and began to walk away. "Where are you going, Sweetheart?" Hanma asks. "There's no point of me staying here. I don't even know why I'm even here for." I reply. "Oh but there is." He grins and tosses something at me. I catch it and glare at the item. "You're also part of Valhalla." He said. "Says who? I don't recall joining." I tell him. "I say so." He jumps down and walks over to me. An irk mark formed on my head. "You Gang leaders think you're so big and get to decide what a person should belong." I said through my teeth. I throw the jacket at him. "I'm not joining. One was enough." I said. "You're breaking my heart, sweetheart. I thought you soften up around me by now and be willing to join my side." He gives Kazutora the jacket. "Tch, you just overcame one wall of mine. Two dozen to go." He gets close to my face. "I don't think that's true." I felt his hot breath against my face. I tried calming down my heart as it began to quicken. He steps back. "Let's have a little game. If I win then you join Valhalla. If you win, stay with Toman and we'll just become enemies. Deal?" He took off his jacket. "(Y-Y/n) wait-" I toss my jacket at Takemichi. "Deal."

"I won't go easy on you." He says. "As if that'll make a difference." I went up to kick him. He dodges my attack and I dodge his. I managed to land a punch on him. He rubs his cheek. "You really put the feeling on that one." He chuckles. He went to attack me again.

- Baji POV-

I wasn't expecting her to come in easy. She's so good at fighting that I want her to win. But that's not how I want the plan to work. Plus, Hanma really needs a good kick in the a**. It ticks me off on how he acts like they have a relationship. Then again...Mikey, Mitsuya, a bit of Draken, Kazutora, and I have a thing for her. Who knows how many more like her. "You're a good fighter and I want this to last longer." Hanma says. I watch as he tackles her down. She struggles to get him off. "Hmm, looks like you lost. Good for me. Oh, but it's bad for you." He laughs. She punches him in the face. That's right, pumpkin. "Don't get all smug about it, cocksucker." She gets up and wipes of the blood. "I'm still apart of Toman, but I'll be apart of this gang too. You have to get to me first before they do on that day." She says. She snatches the Valhalla jacket and drags Takemichi away. "See you soon!" Hanma laughs. "Burn in hell!" She shouts. The plan somewhat worked. I'll just ask her out later on and tell her about the plan.

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