Chapter 26

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The sun finding it's way out of the clouds is what tells me it's morning. I look around me and all the events from last night come tumbling back to me.

Prom night, Ellie being a snake and Zeke leaving me here.

I wasn't able to sleep last night and I couldn't even bring myself to go home. I just wandered around the streets, with Zeke being all my mind can think of.

So what does this now mean? Is he now my ex? Just the thought of him being my ex makes my heart ache pretty badly.

I get up from the cold floor and thankfully, no one is around to watch my embarrassment. Wrapping my arms around myself, I walk to my house, the cold morning air dancing all around me.

During the walk home, my mind is preoccupied by thoughts of Zeke. He gave me the power to hurt him and I used it pretty badly. I feel so awful. The thought of him not talking to me makes me a choked sob escape my lips.

Soon enough, I find myself right in front of my house. And just that brings back memories of last night when I was walking out of this door with Zeke.

I knock a couple times before my parents finally open the door.

The moment they see my state, they bring me in and question me. I just try to respond through my cries but my parents don't comprehend anything I say.

"Go get cleaned up love. Come back downstairs when you're done and let's talk." Mum says, her voice soft.

I nod not trusting my voice and go upstairs to my room. I quickly freshen up and make my way downstairs.

I sit on one of the chairs on the dinning table and mum sits sits on the chair next to me, staring intently at me.

Dad makes some breakfast as Chance comes down starts looking surprised by everything that's going on.

He eyes me and he's about to speak but dad stops him.

"You uh want something to eat?" Dad asks me, "I can make you waffles, I know how much you love them."

"I don't wanna eat." I say shaking my head, "I ruined everything!"

Mum gives me a look and then asks, "It is about Zeke?"

"Yes." I nod speaking up, a tear escaping my eye.

"What did that *bleep* do?!" Chance asks already looking annoyed.

Mum gives him a look and turns to me. She repeats,"What did he do?"

"He did nothing. It was all my fault. I - I -" Unable to speak, I break down.

"I'm going to beat him up!" Chance gets up, starting to look mad now.

"Sit down Chance!" My dad orders, "You're not beating anyone!"

"See what he did to her!" He says, "That *bleep*! He deserves more than some beating."

"It's really not his fault." I shake my head, "It's my mine."

I feel mum's hand wrap around me and I give into her touch, crying into her dress like I'm some baby.

"I can't just do anything Uncle, I need to beat him up! He deserves it!"

"Chance, just breathe and sit." Dad says to Chance and he begrudgingly sits, sill quite mad.

"I ruined everything." I cry.


"Alexis?" A voice calls outside my room.

"Mm?" I hum back in response, sitting on my bed with my legs crossed in the middle of the bed. I wasn't really able to get any sleep, I was expecting to sleep and wake up in the afternoon or something but I barely slept for 40 minutes.

"I uh I'm coming in." My bedroom door opens, revealing Nellie who unlike me is in a good state.

She hesitantly walks in and sits at the foot of my bed, dropping my bag I sent to prom last night on my bed. I was so caught up with my own drama I didn't even realize I lost it.

"Hey." She says timidly.

"Hi." My voice is hoarse.

She sighs and then says, "Days before prom, Ellie and Belle had been meeting up along with Carter, acting all sneaky and stuff but I didn't know they were going to lure you into saying everything on prom night. If I knew she was going to do that, trust me, I would have never told her about what you told me. I'm so sorry for everything."

"It doesn't matter, I should have just come clean and maybe, if I did nothing would have gone wrong. This is all my fault."

"It's okay Lexi. It's fine." Nell says, "You did nothing wrong."


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