Chapter 19

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"What do you call a fish without an eye?" Ian asks making us all groan.

"A fsh!" Nell shouts, causing us to groan louder. They both laugh at our antics and Ian continues,

"What do you call a belt with watches?"

"A waist of time!" Nell laughs again, truly happy she's getting Ian's really bad jokes.

"Seriously? Your jokes are as bad as fu-" Ell starts but I loudly clear my throat, cutting her off. She rolls her eyes, raising her hand in surrender.

Today, is the day we're for the camping. Both of my friends agreed without showing reluctance when I told them about a week ago. So here we are, on our way to the camp. The six of us are in Ian's big car together, with Ian driving.

Ever since Zeke told me about his parents, we've been more closer than ever. It's pretty obvious we both like each other. I'm really happy about this.

Anyways, as for my parents allowing to go, it was one hell of a process.

First, I had to arrange with my grandmother to pretend she's sick so my parents will allow me leave the house for the weekend. You see, my grandmother is really cool so, of course she agreed. I knew it was going to work since my parents were going to attend this really important charity gala so they couldn't suggest they went instead.

I kinda feel bad for lying but I really didn't want to miss this for many reasons. So long story short, my parents think I'm at the next town, with my grandmother. They have absolutely no idea about this whole camping thing.

"What do call a fish wearing a bowtie?" 


Oh God!



Is the first thought that crosses my mind the moment I step out of the car and look around the place. This place truly is breath taking.

There's a large lake at the end with tall beautiful trees surrounding it. The grass is green, the air is perfect and the place all in all is absolutely beautiful.

I really can't wait for tomorrow to come so I can swim in that lake. It's quite late, it's 4:50 and we don't have much time since we have to build our tents and unpack our stuff.

"Let's start making our tents before it's too late." Zeke orders and we all get to work.

Roughly an hour later, we've all settled nicely and are getting ready for some bonfire that the other campers are throwing. We built three camps, each for a boy and a girl.

I'm obviously pairing with Zeke, Ian with Nellie and Beck with Ellie. But now, the girls and I are in one tent getting ready for the bonfire thing.

In a matter of about 30 minutes, we are done. The boys left long ago since in their words, we were taking way too long. We then strut out of the tent. We don't immediately meet the boys so we dance around and try to have a good time like everyone else around here.

After a while, I get I tired and decide to sit behind the fire, roasting marshmallows. While roasting s'mores, I feel a presence behind me. At first, I think it's Zeke so I say nothing as whoever trails their hands up and down my arms. But then, they wrap their arms tightly around me and start touching me rather inappropriately.

I swiftly turn and realize it's not Zeke, it's some weird guy I don't even know. His looks creep me out and I immediately try to wriggle free from his grip but it's nearly impossible.

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