Chapter 8

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"Zeke! I'll murder you as soon as I get off this!" I shout into the air, clutching to Zeke's body, getting a feeling of this toned abs even in his tux.

A loud chuckle reverberates from his body.

I clamp my mouth shut, still scared. That twat. He promised me he was going to go slow. But guess what? As soon as we got on the bike, he started going as if we were being chased.

I'm pretty sure my whole hair is messed up now.

"You're laughing?! You think this is funny? I'll probably look like a raccoon when we get off! And I took so much time in doing this - ahhhh!" I stop mid sentence, as Zeke starts going twice as fast as he was.

"Zeke!! Are you out of your mind?!?" I shout getting more closer to him than before.

"Calm down Alexis, if you do trust me you'll enjoy this." He says still calm.

"Don't 'calm down' me! We can die!!"

I let out the biggest sigh of relief when we reach our destination and he stops the bike.

"That was like the best ride, ever!!" Zeke smiles running his hand through his tousled hair, his eyes sparkling under the moonlight. Trust me, I could stare into those eyes forever.

"You almost got us killed out there and that's the best ride ever?!" I shriek giving him a look trying to fix my now battered hair, looking in the mirror of his bike.

"Stop being so dramatic. Many girls would have killed to be in your position - having a ride with me. Getting the chance to feel me and all that." He smirks.

I turn and give him a look, "In your dreams."

"I do dream about you." He winks.

"You're so corny!" I laugh, "All done, let's go." I say when I'm done.

He just nods as we both go inside. I silently admire the beautiful interior of the building.

The place looks so classy and expensive. I don't ever remember Carter bringing me on date to such a place. Yet, he brings Belle.

I swallow my angry tears and look around.

"Hello, do you guys have reservation?" A petite young girl comes to us smiling.

"Uh no." I answer still looking around hoping to get a seat near those two. I immediately spot them - laughing and smiling while eating. They look so happy.

"Okay, come and lemme lead you to table -"

"Thanks but we've got this." I say eyeing an empty seat not so far from them, near the curtains. I'm pretty sure when we sit there, they won't see us but we will.

I show Zeke the table and we both walk to it.

"Can you see them?" I ask Zeke.

He spots them too and nods.

After sitting in silence for some minutes while looking through the menu, a waiter comes to us.

He smiles, "Ready to order?"

We just order some champagne and the waiter leaves.

I then look over at Carter and Belle who are now having their dessert. After some few minutes, they'll be out of here. We need to do something and quick.

"Zeke, we need to do something." I say making him turn and look over at them both.

He nods as our waiter comes and drops our drinks, "Hey man?"

"Yes sir?"

"I want something garlicky, you know with garlic." He says.

"Um, sir we have -"

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