Chapter 7

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I've never been more happy in my life than now - being able to leave the De Cruz mansion.

As expected, we didn't finish the project, I plan on finishing on myself anyways - not that they'll be of much help.

I pull my phone out of my purse and call the twins when I'm out of the house and in the huge driveway. Nellie answers and says she's going to arrive soon with Ellie.

I sigh and stand there aimlessly admiring the nice place. These people are really loaded. This place is beautiful.

Out of boredom, I start tapping on my phone. It's then when I feel a presence behind me. I turn only to see Belle who is smiling.

"Hey, I'm sorry for being such ass, earlier. Education is just not my thing." She shrugs walking to me.

"Oh, it's totally okay."

"Thanks for understanding." The place goes silent for a second or two before Belle speaks again.

"So do you have any plans for university?"

"Yeah, I want to go to Standford." I answer.

"That's so nice." She smiles, "You're smart so you can totally get in."


"So, I have a date at 7, wanna help me pick out something while you wait for your ride?" She asks.

I check my time and realize I have about 10 to 15 minutes till the twins come, "Sure."

She leads me back to the house. I see Zeke lazily sprawled on the sofa still going through his phone as usual.

I shrug once again and follow Belle to her room. As soon as she opens it, I try not to gasp at how big it is. The room is probably the size of my living room plus the dinning and kitchen.

It's huge!

In all, her room describes her. Her lavish, rich girl lifestyle.

"Let's go to the closet room so we can go pick some thing out." She cuts me out of my train of thoughts and open another door just near her washroom door.

Of course, she has a closet room.

As soon as I enter, my mouth drops. Her closet room is the size of my bedroom. There are endless rows of clothes, bags and shoes.

"Woah, this place is huge. And all these clothes yours?" I probably don't even own quarter of her clothes.

She just blushes and nods, "I need to wear something fancy."

"Okay, let's see what you've got . . ."


At the end, I told the twins not to come for me, Belle decided to give me a ride. Ellie obviously didn't like the sound of that but obliged anyways.

"So it's decided. I'm wearing this." Belle says pointing to the dress we ended up choosing on the bed.

"Yeah, you'll look beautiful." I say smiling.

"Aww, thanks. I'll start getting ready, but before that, do you want me to drop you off?" It comes out as a question.

"Well I can help you get ready if you want." I shrug and say.

"That would be marvelous! Thanks a lot for this Lexi. I owe you one." She gushes throwing her arms around me.

"C'mon, let's get you all ready for your date!" I smile.

It takes me a while but after I'm done with her make up and hair, Belle is in love. She gushes about how much she likes it.

"Thanks." I smile too at my handiwork.

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