Chapter 1

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The next day, I nestle deeper into the comfort of my bed as I try not to wake up and face reality. This is much better, thinking of how much I'm better off without Carter. He's ass and doesn't deserve me.

"Alexis!!" However, my mum's loud voice cuts me out of my trance causing me to sit up in a jolt.

"Alexis! Get your butt here! Now!" She yells again a second later.

I groan as I wonder what exactly she wants from me. I mean it's Saturday for crying out loud! What's she waking me up for so early?!

However, I just decide to get out of bed since I know my mother and I know she won't rest until she has me out of bed. I then begrudgingly walk downstairs. 

There, I see both my parents at the kitchen casually conversing with each other. My dad's making breakfast while my mum is just sipping on her coffee.

My dad is a chef and has his own Mexican restaurant not so far from our house. Actually, he is Mexican and I have some of his Mexican traits like tan and curly hair.

My mum on the other hand is an artist. She owns her own art gallery just down our street. She's white and the only thing I got from her were her piercing blue eyes.

"Took you long enough." She turns to face me but then her face goes to that of worry when she sees me not exactly looking my best, "Were you crying?"

I'm pretty sure my eyes are puffy and red with all the crying I did last night. I didn't even clean my makeup before sleeping so my makeup is definitely ruined, so you can guess the effect.

"No." I shake my head even though it's so obvious I was crying.

"Alexis, what is going on?" She presses on expecting an honest answer for me.

"Carter is cheating on me. I saw him with another girl."

My dad turns and looks at my mum. They communicate silently with their eyes. No matter much I try to understand eye communication, I just don't get it. My parents however, seem to be experts.

My mum turns and looks at me, "That twat! How dare he break your heart? Come here my baby."

I walk and fall into the outstretched arms of my mum, still crying. I tell her everything about how much I loved him.

Yeah we were that deep.

My mum just lets me cry as my dad sends me pity glances here and there. The honking of a car makes my mum and I break apart.

"Oh that must be Chance. Go and sleep, I'll just tell him you're sick." Mum says patting my cheeks. Even though I don't know what's going on, I just nod and walk back upstairs.

I throw myself on my bed and close my eyes.


I am still sleeping when I feel eyes on me. I slowly pry my eyes open and a loud shriek escapes my lips when I see my parents standing at the foot of my bed just staring at me.

"What the -" I give them a look, completely freaked out, "Were you guys watching me sleep?"



Both my parents reply at the same time and shake my head at them. My parents sure were something else.

"What do you guys want?" I find myself asking.

"Your friends are here but we wanted to make sure you were awake first." Mum says, "Should I send them in?"

"Yeah of course." I nod.

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