Chapter 11

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"Zeke! What the hell are you doing here?" I shriek.

"Shh, we don't want your parents to come here and get the wrong idea." He whispers.

"What are you doing here? You can get me into trouble. Again."

"We're going to the party. Get dressed."

"Party? I can't go. I'm grounded, remember?" I raise an eyebrow.

He rolls his eyes, "Is it just today or you're always this dumb?"

I glare hard at him.

"I'm sneaking you out to the party." He finally says.

"Wait, what?" My eyes widen.

"Do I really need to repeat myself?" He asks, a bored look on his face.

"You want me to sneak out?" I give him a look, "My parents will kill me."

He groans, "Alexis, this is called sneaking out for a reason; your parents will never find out, unless, of course you tell them yourself."

I let everything sink in, "Oh." I mean, it's not a bad idea and from the looks of it, this isn't the first time Zeke has done a thing like this, if we're careful enough, I might not get caught at all.

I look up at Zeke, who is still waiting for an answer. I say, "Okay."

He smirks, "Good, go get dressed."

With Zeke's eyes on my calculating my every move, I walk to my closet and look for something to wear.

I find some jeans and a top an go to the washroom to wear it.

Before I can even go, someone knocks on my door rapidly followed by my dad's voice,

"Lexi, it's me. I wanna have a word with you."

My eyes widen and I whisper to Zeke, "Go hide in my bathroom and come only after I ask you to. I swear Zeke, if you come before I ask you to -"

I'm cut off my dad knocking again, "Lexi?"

"Go, go, go." I shove Zeke in my washroom and I say in a sleepy voice, "Dad?"

I immediately throw my clothes which I'm holding across the room.

"Yes it's me."

"Coming." I fake a loud over dramatic yawn and walk to the door, opening it.

"I'll take it as you were asleep." He gives me a weary smile and walks in and sits on my bed.

I turn to him, "Yeah, anything the problem?"

He sighs, "Your mum and I are doing the best for you by grounding you. We love you so much and we want you learn hard, don't let any boy distract you or whatsoever."

"Okay dad, thanks for the word of advice-"

"I'm not done yet." Dad cuts in, "It's okay to you have sex."


"Yeah, even though I don't encourage you to have sex at such a tender age, I can't stop you. So that's why I'm telling you if you want to have it, it's okay but make sure you're protected. Condoms and other contraceptives are there for a reason."

I just nod along, wanting this whole conversation to be done already!

"Okay dad."

He nods, "Good night."

"Night dad, love you."

"Love you too dear." After a short peck on my cheek, dad leaves. I close the door securely behind him.

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