Chapter 12

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Zeke gets lost in the crowd of people the moment we enter the house.

I sigh and look around, feeling completely alone even in the sea of people, who are swaying side to side all in the name of dancing.

I try to find the twins but it's all in vain. I don't see any familiar face either. I jump when I feel a presence behind me. I turn and see Belle with Carter.

"Lexi! I didn't know you were coming." She smiles widely and hugs me.

Belle lets me go after a second or two, "In case you don't know him, he's Carter; the guy I went on the date with. And Carty baby, this is Lexi."

Carty baby? Real creative.

Carter gives me his right hand and smiles. I eye his hand wistfully and turn to Belle, "Carter's my ex."


"I'll catch up with you guys later." With a forced smile in my face, I get away from them.

I need a drink.


I turn to the direction of the voice and see the twins. They run to me and Nellie gives me a hug, "You made it!"

"How did you get here?" Ellie asks.


"Oh," Nellie wiggles her eye brows smirking, "He's starting to like you already."

"That's a good thing." Ellie nods.

I roll my eyes at them, "I need a drink."

"Sure, come let's get one for you." Nellie says and I follow them both to the kitchen.

I take a fruit drink and take little sips. The twins and I start conversing.

"Seven minutes in heaven everyone!" Someone yells.

"Let's go." Ellie says after dawning a whole bottle of beer.

We walk out of the kitchen and we see Belle, who tells us the seven minutes in heaven is happening at the back of the house.

Everyone is sitting in a huge circle, we manage to have our seats somewhere. I look around but Zeke is nowhere to be found.

The game begins without him anyways. The first people to go are Nellie and Ian, much to Nellie's displease. They enter the house and come back some minutes later. Nellie doesn't look too happy but Ian is grinning. The bottle is spun again.

This time around it lands on . . .

. . . me!

The boy I'm supposed to go with has this smile that totally creeps me out. He has greasy black hair and his face is all pimply and oily.

Definitely not the guy I want to spend seven minutes in heaven with.

"Uh I think I'll pass." I say, my voice wavering.

He gives me a greasy smirk, "Aww, c'mon on baby girl. No need to be shy."

Everyone looks at me with anticipation and I decide to leave with him. Ellie gives me a questioning look but I brush it off and get up to go with him.

Even though we have not reached the house yet, his hands are all over me.

"Ever heard of personal space?" I give him a glare, taking his slimy hands off me.

"That's impossible with you." He smirks holding my arm.

"Let go of me you freak!" I scream when we enter the house.

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