Christmas Special Pt. 1 ( MERRY CHRISTMAS YA'LL! )

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!?¡¿Warning this chapter contains : swearing, spelling mistakes and grammatical errors ¡¿!?


A/n| (: ♥ Enjoy annnnd.....


◆Third pov◆

Y/n opened their eyes to the sun shining through their window, sighing softly they took their blanket and threw it over their head so that their whole body was covered in the warm, soft blanket. 

Here's the thing, there are morning people, and none morning people.  

Y/n was the second one. They absolutely hated getting up in the morning,  especially in winter. The floor tiles in the house were always freezing because CERTAIN SKELTONS WERE ALWAYS SO STUBORN AND REFUSED TO TURN THE HEAT UP!  Even the carpeted hallways of the house were cold. Y/n was just about to go back to sleep when someone burst in their door and yelled "GET THE HELL UP BITCH ITS CHRISTMAS!" Y/n  sighed for the second time and poked their head out from the blanket burrito, they had a guess who had woken them up again, and, just as they had guessed, it was our beloved Author. She was wearing a Christmas onesie along with a santa hat.

Y/n rolled their eyes and was about to reply with an insult and lecture her about waking them up, but before they could she ran over to the bed, picked them up and ran out the door. Be reminded that y/n was still in their blanket when Author picked them up. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING AUTHOR!?!?" Y/n screamed 

"WELL YOU WOULDN'T WAKE UP SO I HAD TO RESORT TO DESPERATE MEASURES, EVERYONE IS DOWNSTAIRS WAITING TO SEE YOU!!" Author yelled back. Normally Author wasn't a morning person either, she was usually very grumpy in the morning,  but on holidays you can bet that she's always up early. Once at the bottom of the stair case Author tripped,  like the clumsy girl she is. The skeletons around the room were very amused, some were worried, but mostly amused, as Author tried to not drop Y/n on the floor. Skidding on the floor tiles Author took a risky choice and well... pretty much threw Y/n on the couch before she hit the ground. 

One of the skeletal beings in the room burst out laughing *cough*Dust *cough* as Author groaned in pain. Hearing the laughter,  Author jumped up and tackled the skeleton that had laughed at her while y/n just sighed for the like 50th time that day, trying to go back to sleep... well they WERE going to go back to sleep before they heard a chuckle and they realized that they were on someone's lap. They heard the chuckle again, by now they were as red as a tomato. They looked out of their blanket and came face to face (skull?) with..........


-Ughhh I'm sorryyyyyy

 - I'll update again soon don't worry. 

-Probably in the next 24 hours

-I finished this chapter at 12:00.PM

-Who do you think it is btw?

-Tell me in the comments! 


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