Hey guys.... (Important Information And Requests)

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So guys... I'm having some family issues right now and schools been kinda stressful. 

All this is really difficult and that's why I haven't updated in a while.

I will try and update soon but it's all just....tough

I want you all to know that even if it gets tough... dont give up, keep going!

I know that life can be really shitty but you still have people that care about you, even if you think there is no one, you will always have people that care!

I hope that all of you are doing well and taking care of yourself!  

Take care and be careful guys, I'll try and update soon.

     I AM taking requests for now so comment if you have an idea! 

 |The rules for requesting|

|What I won't do|

● No lemons, I don't write them

● No Oc's, only x reader 

● No sans x sans

This is specifically a x reader book

| What I will do |

● Any sans au or it could just be classic sans

● Can be as specified or vague as you want.  (Like just a sans x reader or it could be something like sans x hybrid reader)

● Fluff chapter

● Funny/ crack chapter

● Angst

Sans aus x reader oneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora