Star sanses x reader: Beach day

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A/n: This chapter is a cute one okay? Just fluff and jokes

Information note:  Y/n has been living with the star sanses ever since they rescued her from the bad guys and they are currently staying at a beach house.

Third pov

Y/n rushed down the stairs and into the kitchen,  sliding on their f/c socks. They suddenly fell backwards,  about to hit the ground when someone caught them. "BE MORE CAREFUL HUMAN, YOU ARE LUCKY THAT THE MAGNIFICENT SANS WAS HERE TO CATCH YOU!" 

Y/n chuckled and thanked Blueberry for catching them as they stood up. 

"Is breakfast almost ready?" Ink asked lazily as he walked into the room, Dream slapped him in the back of the skull "We all just woke up Ink, of course it's not ready." "Its alright Dream, I'll start cooking." Y/n said  

"AFTER Y/N MAKES BREAKFAST CAN WE ALL GO DOWN TO THE BEACH DREAM!?" Blue yell asked,  Dream said he would take the idea into consideration. 

After y/n finished breakfast all of them ate and Blue would not stop bugging Dream to go to the beach. 

Soon after Blue started asking y/n and Ink also annoyed him until he said yes. Dream told all of them to grab what they needed and meet him at the front door.

The three of them rushed to get ready,  y/n laughed as they almost fell again.  

Once they were allready Dream led them down to the beach.

Y/n pov

The rest of the day was spent playing games like seeing who could build the best sandcastle.  Inks castle collapsed and then he had a little tantrum,  me and Blue ended up in a tie while Ink sat and pouted on the sand. I had brought water balloons and challenged the others to a water war.

At the end of the day we all walked up to the beach house soaking wet and ready to fall asleep. When we got inside all of us collapsed on the couch, fast asleep. 

Tomorrow will be just as fun...

Done! How'd you like it!? Next chapter will be out soon!


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