"YAY! okay. Tell me when you're free and I'll talk to Theodore" she gave them both a small hug before getting out of the car. "Thank you so much for the ride"

"No problem, darling"

"THEODORE!!!" she said excitedly as she ran up towards him, her backpack slightly shaking, not caring what his friend thought.

"Ay ma lassie" he caught her as she slightly jumped into his arms, making him stumble back as her arms wrapped around his neck, making her tiptoe.

She pulled back, not too much, and turned around, her back against his chest, his arms around her waist and his chin on her head.

"Hello Charlie" she greeted, looking up at her boyfriend's friend.

He was shorter than Theodore and had blonde hair that slightly covered his eyes but had a middle part. He had bright blue eyes and pale ghost-like skin. He was quite lean too. He had chubby cheeks but his cheekbones were also slightly defined.

"'ello Jasmine. How was your day?" His strong Scottish accent came out.

"It was really good. You?"

"Perfect. Who were those guys?"

"The ones in the car I was in?"

"Who else, loser" he joked.

She rolled her eyes "Michael and Alex. They work in the café I work in"

He hummed and nodded his head slightly in response.
"Well. The lads are here, Theo. When you're-" he glanced at Jasmine before looking back up at Theodore "-not busy, you should say hi"


"You can go now, if you want. I need to shower and do homework anyways"

"It's okay, babe. Umm you could shower and then come with me and-"

"Like with your friends?"


"No no no no no" she repeated, grabbing his hand and walking towards her building "I don't know any of them and it'll just be awkward and I think I should just do my home-"

Theo tugged her hand slightly before spinnihg her around, cupping her face in his hands. "It's okay. You can stay by my side the whole time and we'll only stay for less than an hour. They're quite boring"

Jasmine thought about it for a few seconds before she shrugged "okay"

He kissed her forehead and lead her inside.

. . . .

"Boring, my arse" she whispered loudly into Theo's ear, making him chuckle.

She was playing beer pong with his friends and was currently winning.

They did a few more rounds before Jasmine started to get a little tipsy.

"Babe, I think we should get you into bed. Don't you have- oh shit, it's Friday. But still."

"Just a few more rounds" she reasoned.

Theodore reluctantly gave in.

. .

"I think that was one too many rounds" Theodore joked, holding her hair back as she threw up.

"I'm sorry" she let out in a raspy voice.

"Don't apologise, babe. Atleast you had fun" he wiped her mouth with s tissue before getting her up to brush her teeth.

"I did" she grinned.

"Well I'm glad you did"

"How was your day today" she said drowsily as she walked towards his wardrobe.

"It was okay. Got a level se- do you need help?" he rushed to her side when he saw her tilt, struggling to put his hoodie on.

"No please. I'm mildly panicking" her voice muffled due to the fact her head was in the sleeve.

He chuckled while adjusting the hoodie, allowing her to take a sigh of relief.
"Thank you."

"I didn't know you were such a lightweight." Theodore joked as they got into bed, Jasmine's head on his shoulder as he wrapped an around her.

"I'm not. I was just . . . unprepared"

"Mhm. Okay."

"I'm not! I'll prove it to you right now- no- not now. Maybe another time" she yawned.

Theodore chuckled, pulling her body closer.

"You didn't tell me how your day was" she yawned again.

"I'll tell you later. You should get some-" he heard soft snores coming from the small figure beside him before closing his eyes himself


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