I just want to mention that I've never been to the university of Edinburgh nor am I in university so it anything is wrong, please correct me<3

. . . . . .


"You know what to do when someone offers you a drink, right?" Abhi turned around.

We arrived at the university campus and Arjun insisted we drive.

Nearly eight hours stuck in a car with them was torture. Never again.

"Yes oh my gosh. Don't accept it. I'm not an child"

"Yes you are. To us you are." Arjun chimed in.

"I'm eighteen. I'm basically an adult."

"Hmmm you don't act like one?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. I'm the most- second most mature out of the three of them.

"Have you got everything?" Ranveer put his hand on my shoulder.

"Yup" I nodded my head for extra emphasis.

"Are you sure?" Abhi poked.

I groaned and got out of the car and looked around at all the buildings. The actual university was quite close.

Arjun opened the boot and I took the lightest suitcases and went to the door

94 McGrade Court

I scanned my key card and opened the annoyingly heavy door before bringing my bags in. Ranveer quickly put the heaviest bag infront of the door to make the move easier.

There was a bathroom in the middle of a a slightly narrow staircase and the kitchen/living room.

I looked at my phone to double check what room I was in

Room 11

Oh for fucks sake

"We're right at the top" I turned around to tell the guys.

"Oh um, I have a really sore back and mum said I can't do to much climbing so I'll be in the car!" Abhi excused himself before leaving.

"Okay I'll stay at the top and you guys come up and down to give to me. Okay? Okay" I quickly grabbed my bags and went upstairs, leaving no room for an argument.

The room was okay. The bed was in the top right corner and a giant window in the middle of the bed and the desk which was built in.

There were shelves on the top of the desk and right next to the table, there was a slim wardrobe ,with a long mirror on one of the doors, which took up the remaining space by the wall.

. . . .

"Be good okay?" Ranveer hugged me, placing his chin on my head. "Stay safe"

"No boys." Arjun said as I went to hug him. "Focus on your studies first"

"And call us every other weekend. And get a job too because we're not coming back and forth to pick you up just for your clothes. Okay?" Abhi complained as I hugged him.

I chuckled lightly, subtly wiping my tears away but they still noticed it.

"tum rone vaale ho. ise rok. come here" Ranveer pulled me into another hug. (you're going to make cry. stop it)

As much of a pain in the ass they were, I'm still really going to miss them.

Ranveer pulled away and cupped my face, making me look up at him. "Okay. We're going to go now. Call mum and tell them you've reached and like Arjun said, focus. on. your. studies. theek?"

I nodded my head.

He kissed my head and went towards the car. Arjun and Abhi waved at me before getting into the car too.

Independence. Yay.

I climbed the gazillion steps and opened my room and just stood there, taking in everything. This was going to be my home for the next 3 years.

I'm currently taking History and Photography which earned me a massive lecture from my entire family about how I should be taking something serious like Law or Science or anything that gets me to become a Doctor or Lawyer or a job in the quaternary sector but come on, who doesn't love history.

I think I'm basically a qualified historian. 5 seasons of Horrible Histories had taught me more than 5 years in high school.

After standing in the middle of the room, I decided I should set everything up and call my parents before going down and meeting some of girls.

. . . .

I made a new best friend and her name is Priya and considering she was the only other poc in our building, we better stick together. She born in Wales, hence her Welsh accent.

She suggested she make dinner for everyone and she did, with my help.

We made Daal makhani and roti which tasted amazing might I add.  

After saying goodnight to everyone I opened up my laptop and started looking for good paying jobs. This is going to be fun.


Does anyone watch The Walking Dead. I've nearly finished S2 and it is absolutely incredible

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