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After their wedding


It's our one year anniversary tomorrow and you'd think I'd be woken up with showers of kisses and presents and super good morning sex. But no.
I don't care if it's tomorrow.

"Jasmine mi amor. Your manager called. Said you had a job in Dublin." Leo whispered.

"When?" I mumbled into the pillow.

"In about three hours. It's seven right now"

I should've asked for a day off.

I groaned and turned my head and saw Michael sleeping. I poked his cheek but he didn't wake up. In

"My boob is out" I lied, causing him to immediately grab my boob, his eyes still closed but he opened them when he realised I was lying.

What did he expect? I was literally wearing my t-shirt.

I chuckled at the disappointment on his face as I lifted my arms up to be carried by Leo. They definitely treated like it was our anniversary last night.

"You're evil" Michael mumbled, making me giggle.

I did my business, had a shower, got ready, and went downstairs to where Leo was putting food in the dog bowls.

"I'm ready" I mumbled, slipping on my shoes.

"Don't you want to eat anything?" He looked at me, washing his hands. I shook my head. "We'll get something on the way." He came over to me and kissed the top of my head before kneeling down and tying my shoelaces for me whilst I put one hand on his shoulders, looking around me for Alex.

Alex is the biggest bully ever. The last time Michael tied my shoelaces for me, he pushed me and if Leo wasn't right there, I could've died. I wouldn't have but I want him to feel guilty.

"Good morning princess? Where are you going?" Alex walked down the stairs, shirtless, in sweatpants where the band of his boxers was showing.

I narrowed my eyes and shuffled away before Leo softly slapped my calf to make me stand still.

"Work. Duh." I rolled my eyes but Leo slapped my ass whilst standing up, making me sigh.

"Why don't you take a day off?"

"Well I can't now, can I?"

"I know...I'm just say-" he stopped talking and put his hands up in surrender when I glared at him.

It's too early for this shit.

Leo put his hands on my shoulders and led me out of the door but Alex stopped us and stood in front of me and grabbed my face and planted a soft kiss on my lips.
"Have a good day" he whispered.

"You too" I smiled, making him smile.

"I love you" he kissed me again.

I giggled "I love you too"

He kissed me one last time before letting go of my face.

I looked up at Leo "Is-"

"Everything is in the car" he reassured, making me smile.


"Brian?! What are you doing here?" I asked, surprised, when I saw Brian instead of Alex.

"Mr Moretti was busy so he asked me to pick you up"

Our Girlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें