™ Chapter XX, Prison Break

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... Chapter Twenty

Chapter XX, Prison Break

current location
The Tower, Floor 90

We all had Barcode numbers somewhere on our bodies unless you were a Black Marking Seal, I would be Prisoner 2103 but Im a One of those Black Marking Seals they called me The Dolphin Seal since their was a seal marking of a Dolphin in my top right corner of my forehead.

There is also the Spider Seal, Kangaroo Seal and Wolf Seal.

My Cellmate is the Spider Seal, I dont know his name either most of us here don't know anyone's name.

The Spider Seal was a strange guy, he was happy to be locked up here and everyone feared him, so I decided to get some details on him, day by day I gave my food away for questions and answers.

1 month after being in the prison floor...

* Prick *

Blood dripped down my neck from the lockpick being pricked alongside my neck.

" I knew something was up with you, you seemed a little off as if you put yourself in here. Who are you ? Who are you Associated with ? " Spider Seal asked.

I'd look at him from the corner of my eye glancing at him, then glancing at the floor as he had the lockpick to my neck.

Should I lie, or Should I tell him, these chains strain my shinsoo, maybe I should try fighting, Could I stand a chance.

My name is Eurasia, The Reaper of Eurasia.

I remarked.

" Now who are you Associated with, the FUG ? Maybe your one of those pawn guys I've heard about." He said sticking the lockpick more into my neck.

The voice in my head spoke...


I'd cock my right arm elbowing him into the gut, twisting, then rotating my palm into his jaw as blood flew from his mouth.

Then we'd began to exchange strikes in the cellroom, countering each other back n fourth, hed continuesly try striking me in the face with the pick, as I kept smacking his hands down left and right, hed tuck down swinging his leg, as I jumped hitting a frontflip smashing my heel into the floor as he barrel rolled back as my foot left a imprint into the floor.

I'd dash trying to kick as he layed up against the wall, he swayed his head to the left, grabbing my leg forcing to fall onto my ass.

He'd hop on top of me, striking the the lockpick towards my chest.

I'd catch his hand as we both pushed, I'd flick his hands back as they snapped, I caught the lockpick mid air while being on my back, shoving the lock pick into his thigh as it squirted, I'd flip him over onto his back, yanking the lockpick out his thigh, then striking down towards his eye, he placed his hand over his eye as the lockpick smashed into his hand as his lenses on his glasses shattered from the impact from the wind as it cleared the room.

MY STORY | tower of godजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें