Prologue, The Mask

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WARNING! your appearance will change alot throughout the novel. Everything else will be discussed and revealed in the story in First-Person Point of View.

Also this is a few hundred years after baams run in the Tower.



Prologue, the MASK.
my story.

current location
Outskirts, outside of tower far far away.

You could hear the pencil sketching off the paper from the pale lady. She spoke to the tall man in the top hat as you could hear the kids playing outside.

* Cough, cough *

As gruesome coughs came from the lady.

Tall man: " Get the job done or you life is gone." The Tall man said.

Woman: " Understood." She said as she looked up at him in fear.

Mother: " Boys come inside !" She yelled.

As I turned around walking behind my younger siblings Dan and Daniel, I walked pass the man and felt a weird aroma then he'd speak.

Tall man: " Take them out or be taken out."

My head began to vibrate as I fell onto one knee as the pain spiraled in my brain.

As nightfall dropped, I rolled back and forth in my bed as the voices began to fly in and out my head.

~thEy arE coming.... boy run.. or hidE...

The voices whispered.

I heard the long distance voices below my room. I reached from my bed stepping down the steps, glaring down at my adoptive mother and siblings sharping their blades.

What are your doing mom...

Mother: " See, Alabaster the thing is.... get him boys!" She yelled aggressively as Daniel and Dan held daggers in their hands.

A loud screech came as I slowly stepped back, turning around, a distance voice ventured into my head.

The voices in my head started to mumble words as they got louder to a scream.

~Behind you! Behind you!

I'd slowly turn my head around The shadows of beats stood below my feet from my siblings shadows, when I fully turned around the kids began to run towards me.

A loud rumble came as thunder struck and everything stopped as if everything was going slow motion.

A Storm began to brew, I glanced once then glanced twice.

A Storm began to brew, I glanced once then glanced twice

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