XV, Three of Seven Pawns

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... Age 19, birthday passed during war. Chapter Fifteen.

XV, three of seven PAWNS.

•current location
The Tower, Floor 74

You could hear the loud booms as the fight as been going on for months as my army successfully just now passed the eastern territory as we slowly walked onto the deep misty plain there looked like an army of a 100 with 3 Men standing in the front, My Army only had 218 Men left after the consistent battles we were feared as the Dark Army of Eurasia.

I'd slowly walk up, infront of my men holding my arm into the air, glancing left then right then swaying my arm foward as they all charged, the floor began to shake as if a thousand cows and horses were running my way.

The other side of the plain, the 3 men and their army sat still as men began to run straight throughout the plain.

I'd inhale then breathing out as the cold weather let out a grey mist from my mouth as Paris stood side by side with me.

Paris soon ran after the men holding her Red Staff like halberd.

Total concentration I said as I could began to feel around 300-400 Heartbeats and hear their feint yells and clashes.

One man from the other side stepped up then ina flash my mens blood began to splatter in the sky.

I'd charge standing in one position as the floor began to vibrate, as I dashed the floor spiked up as you could hear a loud erri pitch as my eyes left a red trail.

As I dashed my men began to fall by one person, me moving atleast 100 mach, as I slowly reached the man a black mist formed in my right hand as my Black Battle Axe appeared then I took my key in my left hand as I mumbled ignite my sliver blade appeared.

A loud boom came as the man twirled landing on his right hand, rotating in a spinning motivation as his sword that looked like a cross that collided with my sliver blade as the skys beham to roar.

I'd swing off my sword slashing off his sword doing a 180 half spin, following up with swinging my axe around from the 180 spin, aiming for his neck, clink as he caught my left wrist, I'd rotate my left arm as it snapped, kicking off him then hitting a back handspring off one arm beginning to crouch.

Heyy, Leroy I said looking at the man with a serious face.

He'd smile " Heyy Alabaster. "

You have no right to call me that my name is Eurasia, you sat and allowed me to get caught by their men then you didn't even try saving me.

His eyes slightly opened as he tried to speak.

I dont care what you have to say to me I said, as I stood up snapping my arm back in place as my Axe appeared in my hand.

I'd stare at him as the Wind blew my hood off as my haired swayed, my red eyes began to pierce his soul.

" Your just like me, we both killed alot you know, no matter how much you dislike me your my student. " Leroy remarked.

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