VII, I am Killjoy

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We will be takin place going back to a couple years(7) ago in Killjoys POV Chapter Seven.


current location
The Tower, Floor 4/5

Test director: " Well hello everyone, I'm back and I'm your Test Director and my name is Le-Pon De Carti, this floor you will be signing a contract and labeling down your positions with your team, and this man beside me is Silo she is your Test Admin." He said Cheerfully.

I stepped up to the pedi stole, I looked around the room as everyone stared at me, I had sharp teeth and was in a team of myself. I am a spear bearer but Im unclassified due to being a member of FUG, I was already predicted to be a high ranker and stronger.

~I don't like people staring it makes me nervous....
I escorted my self out the room.

I'd walk around the maze like home like floor, then I found my self in a cafeteria, I grabbed a bag of potato chips and rested my feet on the table.

* Announcement Speakers produced a loud pitch then a voice came from it, Spear Bearers Please Report to Room 101 and proceed to your test. *

I went searching for this so called Room 101 and ended up at Room 29.

~This sucks... why are their 200+ rooms anyway,
I walked passed a cat I'd yawn.

WAIT A CAT ! I yelled as I turned around.

Heyyyy kitty I said stroking its back as it meowed, my roughly pale fingers glided throughout its fur as it felt as if I was on the cloud.

Do you possibly know where Room 101 is? I said asking the cat.

The cat purred and Ran throughout the hall as I jogged after it, then it suddenly stopped, when I looked to the left the door said Room 101, I'd crouch and look at the cat, glaring at Bell around its neck as it imprinted Delmi on it.

Thank You very much Delmi I said smiling as I squinted my sickly eyes.

The Room was giant like another floor.

There was about 15 Spear Bearers so all I had to do is come 1st.

The Test Admin would Speak.

Test Admin: " This test is simple who ever can hit the farthest target wins. if you can manage to hit pass 3 miles you pass, the furthest is 20 miles and if you were to hit under 3 miles you fail, let the games begin."

* bow bow bow *

You could hear the wind whistle off peoples Halberds and Spears, no one here had a bow so it seemed as if I was advanced nor did they say you couldn't use your own weapons.

Boy in tracksuit: " WAHHHHHHHH, SAAAA--DOOOSHHH !" A boy in a tracksuit yelled.

* pow as the 6 mile floating plate was shattered by his spear *

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