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†Unknown amount of years ago†

†Somwhere in the forests of Romania†

"Stakes and Crosses, garlic and sunlight, you have few weaknesses and you always say you are the superior race, yet here you are, the last of your kind... Alone... Afraid... And defenceless"

The vampire looked up from his tied down position, coated in his own blood, not even the strongest of what he was, those where killed off first many moons ago.

"I didn't even use a stake, or silver for that matter, what's the use of holy water anyway!? Its just water a priest prayed for! There nothing special of it! I'll use that in my coffee... Stir it up a little and drink without having giving it second thought"

The vampire spat at her feet.

"At your dying moments! Your coffin marked and ready yet you dare spit!" A man came in next to the huntress "You are all the same"

"Are we?" He asked "You call us evil, creatures of the night, seeking out blood, but I wonder who the true evil is in this world?"

"Enough!" This man yelled but the huntress held her hand to him.

"Let him finish, this is his last words, he chose them, let's respect that"

The hunter backed away and she turned to her prey "Continue"

"True evil, define it huntress!? Is it the one who kills the child? Or the one that kills the parents?"

"How do you find this relevant? You who killed so many? Destroyed so many families? You say the blood of a child taste that much more sweet? Yet some of you feed the parents to death and takes the virgin daughter to become a countess..."

"From where to next then? I am the last, yes, you managed to wipe out a species, then when your hunger for the hunt resurfaces... Who will you go after next?"

"In due time even a cub becomes a lion" the huntress said lifting her sword "And if that day comes, then we will obviously resurface... Tame it... Or put it down!"

*** †Pesent† ***

"I have a surprise for you" Rexton said after the phone call with Hali, he took his phone and linked it to a camera he placed not far from the laboratory.

Kai frowned seeing the footage of it, there was even a soldier outside having a smoke break.

"What's this?" She asked.

"Here" he handed her a device with a red button on "Press that and see what happens, consider me an early Santa, and that's your gift"

Quintin came in next to her as she frowned at him "What is it?"

"Just press it already!"

She shrugged and hit the button.

There was no audio coverage but they saw the entire facility go up in a massive explosion, both Kai and Quintin gasped, but only Quintin jumped into the air.

"Yeas! Take that you scaly evil scientists! That'll teach ya!"

Rexton laughed at the boy but saw Kai was not impressed.

"What's wrong? That was your redemption!?"

"And my only way to figure out a cure for this problem I have!" She yelled, the Luna way was a werewolf way, that facility had the means to a human cure.

Rexton smirked and took out a disk from his pocket "Well then its a good thing I made backup copies"

Her smile suddenly returned "Who the hell are you anyway?"

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