Different agreement

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Quintin grinded his teeth baring with the pain, it was something to do with that injection, his entire body quivered uncontrollably, every vibration sending waves of pain through his muscles.

"What we did was inject you with but a drop, not even a drop, enough to comb your body completely, but not kill you" the middle aged man said being back in the room.

"Inject me! With what!?"

"Alpha-latrotoxin... 15 times stronger than rattlesnake venom, and you can usually find it in the fangs of a black window"

"What do you hope! To achieve!?"

"If you where with them, we want information, where they stay? Where do they go to shift!?"

"If you know so much about me why do you know so little about them!?" He screamed.

"They are very secretive, did you know that Victor doesn't even have parents?"

Quintin frowned through the tears in his eyes "I saw them!"

"Those are members of his pack, pretending to be his parents!"


"Where do they shift? Where does the Luna stay? Silvia!?"

"Even if I knew, I won't tell you, they might be werewolves, but they would never inject me with black widow venom!"

"And we'll make it worse the longer you take"

Quintin felt his body get used to the pain, but he was still hyperventilating "They're my friends, I'm sorry but I won't say much, I don't really know much"

He signed and looked at Kai "Pointless"

"Donovan, maybe you're expecting too much from him, he just found the truth out yesterday?"

"Regardless, anything he has must help"

"How did you even know what happened? How do you know so much about me?"

"We have a few sets of eyes on the ground" Donovan said getting up "We continue, I don't care how long it takes, I want shift points, pack numbers, and especially more information about Luna"

"Understood" Kai said as he left.

Quintin felt it work out slightly, but it was still severely agonising, Kai held up an injection "I have an antidote here, tell us and I'll give it to you"

"I..." Quintin gave it thought, what can he really give them? He knew nothing!

"I'm sorry... Keep your antidote, I can't spill anything, even if I had any" he said, twice Silvia has saved him, once that Luna saved him, he will not betray them.

Day in, day out, Quintin couldn't determine when the sun was up, or when it set, there where no windows here, and the only light that his eyes saw was that lamp they use to make him squint.

He got some satisfaction out of shutting his trap, they tried and tried, electrocution, flame to his hand, pulling his nails, they even did the classic 'White noise' ambient in his room, or cell he slept in.

Slowly but surely he felt like his mind was being lost to this madness, but the tad bit of sanity he had told him 'yes' when I go nuts you'll really get nothing out of me.

So many times he felt like shouting out the 'Forests of the frontier!' But held it back... 'Cabin in the woods!' Or 'Hali knows Victor...'

Hali!? Would he spill her? She knows Victor probably better than anyone accept for the Luna, but then? It seems this Beinhnoir group is basically enemies of Omar, and they won't spill their secrets to each other.

"Do you know how long you've been here boy?" Donovan asked.

"Like I care!" He said breathless after another round of the shock treatment.

"Three years"

Quintin felt a cramp in his gut, he couldn't figure if it was from the electrocution or that realisation?


"And we'll keep you here, unless we come to another agreement?"

"What agreement?" Quintin asked, thinking if it has nothing to do with splitting on his friends he'll take it.

"We send you back to Alaska, and you go gather the information we need?"

Quintin looked at him through squinting eyes, then closed them thinking, if he was sent back there... He'd just warn them, there has to be a catch.

"Fine..." He tried his luck.

"You finally had enough of this?" Donovan asked.

"You wasted three years of my life, what more can you take unless I do something that pleases you"

"Yes, it could have gone on for another three years, but, just as insurance well make sure you, follow order"

Quintin opened his eyes "You can't force shit on me"

"Oh, but intact we can" Donovan flicked his fingers to Kai.

"Sir with all due respect that experiment is not ready yet"

"I don't care, that's the thing about experiments, they need to be experimented with in order to find out if it works!"

"And if it kills him?"

"It won't"

Kai looked at Donovan then her worried face came to Quintin, he could see she's not happy with that idea, which made him stress, she who so cheerfully suggested torture now kicks against an experiment? It must be bad.

"Very well"

'Oh shit'

Two men came in and took his well numb and broken body, he barely had the capacity to help himself these days, and he didn't care, where would he run? If he could run?

Strapped to a bed they pushed him to a room that had his heart pound, large lights, men with dace masks, are they going to cut him up? Implant something!?

"What is all this!?" He yelled, life finally started returning to him "Hay! What's all this!?" He screamed tucking violently on the restraints.

"Please remain calm" the doctor said holding another needle to him.

"Lemme out! I'm getting tired of this shit!"

"I said remain calm!" She said back and pinned him, but suddenly a blow over her head made her drop on his chest.

He was confused, looking up he saw Kai standing with a pistol drawn "Nobody move, or its the death penalty"

Witty one liners? Why did she remind Quintin of Hali just now?

She came over and undid his restraints then stood away, the pistol still on the doctors "Come!"

Author's Note:

Last one for today, hope you enjoyed, so take into account this ended 3 years later... Wonder what's happening with the wolves right?

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